What I Got This Christmas

I think I need to have my stomache pumped. I'm dying. It's been a few days of over the top eating and I'm paying for it. In a way I am grateful for my gluttony because tomorrow I will be ready for smoothies and detox. Christmas Eve involved a half day of work, then a drink with a friend then a visit to the in laws. The Kid was over stimulated so for 2 hours I chased him around in heels and then I made an executive decision and decided to take him home. The Husband stayed longer to spend some more time with his parental units and sister. Once the Kid and I got home, I tossed him into bed, put on my Christmas pj's and popped open some wine and enjoyed the silence. The Husband came home a couple of hours later and we headed to bed. My in laws were super generous again this year - I got gift certificates to Peek and Clopenburg and Calzedonia. Tomorrow, I shall most likely spend them ALL! SPEND ALL THE MONEYS!

In the morning I put the Kid in his new pyjamas and he looked adorable for about 20 minutes until he decided he was done with that and opted instead for his Paul Frank pj's. I made German oven pancakes and mimosas and we chilled. Then I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and started having chest pains. So then I decided to make mac and cheese and watch 30 Rock and then take a nap and to try and ignore the heart palpitations.

Later in the afternoon we Skyped with my sister and her kids and then with my parents and my brother and the Kid opened presents and seemed to be most amazed by the toy car park. Then he got ticked off with us for using it too. After a couple of hours of playing, it was time to put him to bed and then I made the cheese fondue and scoured the cabinets for laxatives. The Husband and I ate and then it was PRESENT TIME! And so, this is what I got this year (the smoothie to go thing that I really wanted is en route still, kerblast!):

A small fire glass pit thingy
A star/galaxy projector (so neat and romaaaaantic)
Lingerie (ha ha, nice try buddy)
2 light up wine glasses
A day planner (pink) for 2014
A pretty enamel cuff bracelet
Silver horse shoe earrings (long backstory to this but this gift is really special)
Crystal necklace and earrings for the ball we're attending this February
A cute key chain in the shape of a purse
A pink Kindle cover
A jewelry holder in the shape of a corset
The fluffy pink slippers I wanted (yaaay!)
A light for my purse (very needed)
Gift certificate to my favourite spa

I am so totally thrilled! It was such a great Christmas and I am so truly blessed! So yeah, I scored! In a couple of hours friends are coming by for our traditional Boxing Day dunch so I need to snap out a rib to make room for more food. But tomorrow morning I am hitting the gym and making smoothies and eating well and unclogging my arteries so that I can bend over without grunting.

I can't believe another Christmas is over. Christmas with a stubborn almost three year old is tiring but definitely special. I can't wait until next year when I can use Santa as a threat... I hope this Christmas was special for you all! Merry Christmas to everyone and to all a good afternoon!


  1. Santa as a threat is great! We were able to use it on Liam for the first time this year. Quite effective...

  2. aww man! I am so jealous! He still hasn't grasped the concept of threats... We're still in the bribing phase... but soon, so soon.

  3. Hmmm.... Santa threats didn't work on Sophia this year, but they did last year...


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