The Loss of Nelson Mandela

The world has lost one of the most incredible people to have walked this Earth. A man of such integrity and love. My heart hurts at the news that Nelson Mandela has passed. So much of my childhood was spent watching the rise of this incredible man. You might not believe in auras but I do. You could see his. He was a man that could have chosen hate after serving so many years in prison. He didn't. He chose love. He loved his fellow man and he loved his country. He was an example of what every person should strive to be - to love and to make a change.

We might think we have come a long way in the fight for equality, but we are not there yet. Terms like "reverse racism" get me twitchy. I will never know what it is like to be black. I can't even begin to imagine what life would be like if I wasn't a chubby white girl. To even pretend to know what it feels like to be judged by the colour of my skin would be ridiculous and a slap in the face to every person who has been judged just solely on their race. I don't know how it feels and I never will know. So my role is to continue to fight for equality. To spread love instead of hate. To raise my child to embrace humanity and love people not based on their race, their religion or their choice to wear Crocs, but on their merits as people.

We can all learn from Mandela. We can learn that nothing is insurmountable. We can make a change. If one man who was so beaten and broken can rise up and turn his beloved land into something incredible, then we can make a change no matter how small. Over the years I have let go of anger and learned to show love and empathy instead. When we forgive, we lose the anger and then we create a place of hope and a chance to start fresh.

And so, Mr. Mandela, a man I have looked up to my entire life, I will mourn your death but I will celebrate your life and I will continue to do my part to ensure equality and humanity. Thank you Mr. Mandela. I don't know what else I can say.


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