Buh Bye Chest Pains

Ok, I'm ready! It's 5:45 a.m. Heading to the gym in 10 minutes. I feel refreshingly refreshed and ready to go. Maybe it is the fact that the Kid finally slept through the night (the last couple of nights have been hellish). Or maybe it is the fact that I am super excited to clean out my system. Yesterday I went out with a bang!

After my workout, I will come home and shower, then run to the grocery store for smoothie ingredients: spinach, berries, banana and fat free yoghurt. I feel pretty damn smug that I'm starting on December 27th. I would like to say it is willpower but it really isn't. It's more about the incredible discomfort I have been in in the last few days. I obviously have some intolerance to something but that would take a lot of research and ain't nobody got time for that!

Today I am meeting up with one of my oldest and dearest friends. We met when we were 12 when I first moved to Vienna and I love that 20 years later, we can still hang and listen to Janet Jackson. We are meeting around noon after I do a little shopping. I may or may not purchase a very nice purse.

Gym visit

OK, it's now 6:45 a.m. and I am back from the gym and feeling so much better. There is something freeing about sweating out bechamel sauce and pizza. I hit the cross trainer for 30 minutes and then did 10 minutes on the bike. I love the post-workout feel and I understand why people who work out are generally peppy. I like being peppy. I like not feeling my lower intestines cramp up in despair! Hurray! Day one of feeling good about myself. Good thing I threw out the rest of the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies because the temptation would be...well...tempting. And as a little side story, the Kid is obsessed with all cookies that I bake. Not to eat them.. oh no, that would be normal. No, he likes to hold them on a plate on his lap and announce proudly "Cookies!" I don't have the heart to tell him that he has only made cookies twice in his life and that he needs to stop taking credit for the ones I make. He was so obsessed with the last batch that when he didn't want to go to bed, he walked into the kitchen, grabbed a cookie, walked to our bedroom, lay down in our bed and held up that damn cookie in the air. All you could see in the pile of duvets was a tiny hand grasping a melting and crumbling cookie. Needless to say, our bed looks like a hamster defecated allover it and then body surfed through it. Loud sigh.

Well, the Kid is about to awake and scream at us for some mistake we've made...so I better go and make a cup of coffee and pray to the gods of diets that I have not permanently stretched out my stomach. Happy Friday!


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