Cozy Saturday Mornings

I woke up at 5:20 and couldn't go back to sleep. I decided to get up and make some coffee and turn on the tree. I love sitting in the dark with the tree on. As a kid, my dad would turn on the tree in the morning and it was always such a great sight. On the weekends I would spend hours lying under the tree, looking up at the branches and lights. Try it one time, it's almost magical, well, depending on how much Advil you take.

The Kid broke an ornament yesterday afternoon. I missed the excitement but apparently the Kid was mega upset which is good. Feelings are good. You may find it odd that I am happy to see my kid show emotion, ie. regret, but trust me, it is a very very good thing. The other day he was upset that he wasn't allowed to watch cartoons. So he took the remote control from me and yelled "No TV!" (I guess in his mind, if he doesn't get to watch what he wants, nobody gets to watch what they want. Stay tuned for the Lifetime drama starring Eddie Cibrian). He then hid the remote control in his toy chest. And I could see him do that because he has glass walls in his room. Sigh. Anyway, I started to fake cry and he looked at me in surprise, then ran back for the remote and gave it back to me and gave me a hug. THAT WAS A BIG DEAL FOR ME!

So, anyway, it is the third to last shopping Saturday before Christmas so no doubt the shops will be Sparta and Gerard Butler's thighs in 300 rolled into one; angry but so very tempting. I still have to buy a few more things and I need to make some stupid cookies for the daycare. We have decided to skip this year's event because knowing me, I'll sneak in a flask and get belligerant. "You call this a manger?!?! I'll show you a manger! Raphael, honey, hold my flask and pass mommy that hammer." So I am making cookies that the Husband will bring by to the daycare in the afternoon as part of our grand ruse to skip it. The Husband is a little nervous about what to say. Last night he was pacing "Ok, do we say he's sick? No, that won't work. What about 'He slept too long so he missed the show'? No, stupid excuse! Stupid!" Before the Husband turned into a self-hating Woody Allen, I suggested that we have surprise guests visiting. Ta da! Simple, the end! Oh, and might I add, I don't effing care. I'm done. I am so done.

I think we will finally get to watch Christmas Vacation tonight and then I will start wrapping and taking inventory. I am actually surprised the Husband is suggesting that we watch that film. I must have been wearing a very very good bra yesterday. And before I forget, I also need to watch Elf! I almost forgot! And now, I will make myself another coffee, curl up under my faux fur throw and sit in the dark and look at my tree. If that isn't a perfect December Saturday morning, I don't know. Probably should stop googling Gerard Butler's thighs. Happy Saturday!


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