Monday Monday

The Kid is still sick. He's snuggly and clingy and I feel so bad for him. I also feel sorry for my elastic waist jeans that have to put up with his constant tugging. His cough is a lot better but he had a freak out this morning and we decided to keep him home one more day. I also think that I am so mentally done with the daycare that every day less that he can spend there is good (in my opinion). This week is going to be a bit frantic with last minute grocery shopping and watching Christmas films and doing normal things. It is pretty busy at work so that makes the days fly by. Tonight I am seeing a friend in a play reading (but I will make it an early night). On Wednesday a friend is coming by for some wine and on Thursday is the office Christmas party. I won't stay long for that since there are office supplies and wine and it will just not be a good thing.

I continue to low carb and am down 5.5 pounds and I hit the gym this morning, but I was so tired that I could only face the reclining bike. On Saturday I went to a friend's place for our annual traditional girls' Christmas. Ate an awesome low carb meal and received awesome gifts: p.j's (so snuggly), a beautiful bracelet, a cup and dish with applied gold foil (gawgeous) and a bright pink notebook and pink pen (SQUEAL!). Then we drank and drank. I have been drinking a lot less in general but after the craptastic few months I have had, I decided to let loose and imbibe in the mommy juice. See, when you have a toddler who needs constant attention, not getting enough sleep and drinking too much is stupido. But I decided "meh, what the hell!". I got home at 1:30 in the morning and much to my surprise our front door was wide open. I immediately turned into Mel Gibson from Ransom. I ran into the Kid's room and saw that he was sleeping peacefully and then I searched for a breach of the perimeter - which, based on the size of our tiny apartment - just involves me turning in a circle while standing in place. I made sure a psycho killer was not lying in wait, put down my Furla and my gifts and woke up the Husband with a lovely "THE FRONT DOOR WAS OPEN!! WHAT THE HELL?!?!?" He of course was shocked and then blamed the Kid and then fell back asleep and I huffed and puffed and then just as I was drifting off to sleep, I realized that the psycho killer could have easily hidden on the balcony so I decided to fall asleep on the sofa holding a can of dry shampoo. Middle of the night tipsy thought processes are the dumbest thought processes of them all.

The Kid decided to wake up at 6 instead of his normal routine of  waking up at 7 because "Yaay! Mommy's home and smells like birthday!" I suffered through the morning and hated last night Tova. Luckily the Kid must have been sitting too close to me during the morning and decided to pass out on his bedroom floor at naptime. Atta boy! Then I was able to sleep too and in the afternoon, I felt human again. Mommy can't do late nights anymore. But, oh well, it was still a blast! Huzzah!

Today is my parent's 40 year wedding anniversary. Incredible. At the wedding, I gave them a year. Minor detail that I was born about 8 years after that event. But in all seriousness, it is quite an amazing thing this day and age. The fact that they still love each other gives me reason to believe that true love does truly exist (especially in the form of an Hermes scarf (I'm calling first dibs!). So congratulations, Mommy and Daddy! I just have 30 to go and after Saturday's door is open all night fiasco, that makes me a little depressed.


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