New Clothes to Sweat in and a New Purse

Yesterday was the day of spending gift certificates. After my workout and my smoothie and my feelings of smugness, I put on my spackle and headed to H and M. I decided to use up the rest of an old gift certificate and buy myself some new workout clothes. I'm kind of addicted to workout clothes and I'm not sure why. My gym is the poor man's John Harris and there is no need to look good at 6 in the morning but yet, I like to wear cute gym wear. I bought a long sleeved hot pink tee and a short sleeved grey tee and yoga pants. They also sold gym water bottles that were cute so I bought one of those too. And when I got home, I filled it up with sliced lemons and water and the smugness stunk up the place.

An hour later I headed to Peek and Cloppenburg to use my new gift certificate. The place was a madhouse and I wanted to yell "WHY ARE YOU ALL SHOPPING HERE RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT?!?!" I headed to the third floor for the purses (pro shopper observation: the mens wear is at the entrance which doesn't seem to be the best location for it. Usually men are being dragged there by their significant others for a, and I quote, "little sweater that doesn't look like pitbulls attacked it" so ideally, the women should go through the impulse buy area en route to the men's department. Oder?) Anyway, I spent about 20 minutes getting dirty with Furla's and Ralph Lauren purses until I spotted this gorgeous specimen off to the side.

Can we just take a minute and give it some respect? Thank you. This is a Tommy Hilfiger and I will love it and cherish it and love it forever and ever. It was a decent price and I kind of felt giddy buying it. I have never ever spent this much money on a purse but with the gift certificate it was FREE (not really, but that's the story I told the Husband and I'm sticking to it) I'm calling it the "2013 sucked ass but here is to 2014!" purse. I'm so worth it... Again, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Now I am patiently waiting for the grocery store to open so I can take this bad boy for a ride. You're sooo pretty.

After the purchase, I met my dear friend at 1516 and we caught up as much as we could in just under 2 hours. It was great and I wish we still lived in the same city. Miss her so much! After lunch I headed to Saturn to look for a cheap DVD player - will explain in a later post - and there were none under 60 euros and then I got twitchy because one has to squeeze past customers in line to get out if you haven't purchased anything and you have to hold your hands up in the air a la people escaping through Checkpoint Charlie. So I bought a 10 euro blow drying brush which will no doubt end up scalping me and glow sticks because that is our poor man's version of the night light for the Kid. The shame. I got home around 3 and the rest of the afternoon was spent with trains and autos and bad TV. It was kind of idyllic.

This morning I will head to the gym. Today's menu will include smoothies and for dinner, crockpot curry and rice. Healthy healthy!

And just because I don't want Christmas to end, here is the table set up from our Boxing Day Dunch which was a lot of fun and involved the hardening of arteries. Yay! Two more days at home!


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