Randomness and This Week's Menu

Last night the Husband and I had a nice quiet dinner at the table. We had put the Kid to bed like we usually do and looked forward to watching the Millionen show. We are wild! About an hour after bedtime the Kid shouted for me... His call of distress goes "MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY (pause) Daddy?" so I went in and he roped me into a diaper change. After changing him, he saw his chance to escape and clung to me like syphillis to a wh... oh you know what I mean. Anyway, I let him sit on the sofa to watch a 27 year old student win a million euros. Then we tried to bring him back to his crib. "NEIN". Then he came to our bed for a few minutes but changed up his mind and decided to run around the apartment in the dark. Nothing is scarier than not knowing where your toddler is hiding in the dark. It was like a scene from Chucky. Jerk even pulled the chord on his musical bear so that creepy music could be my soundtrack as I walked around like Clarice a la Silence of the Lambs final scene. All I could think as I walked through the dark was "Well shit, he's possessed and I'm going to be murdered".

I finally found him and brought him back to our bed where he stayed for another 20 minutes and then finally the Husband (the heavy) brought him to his crib and that was that.

Yesterday was super fantastic - the Just Say Jenn comments were amazing and I am so happy I got the chance to be featured! I received about 190 views yesterday versus the average of 90 views so that made me very happy!

Another thing to be happy about is that I am down 2.5 pounds! I know I know, water weight... but whatevs, still happy! And this week's dinner menu is:

Monday: Onion pie
Tuesday: Ribs and a salad (taking a friend out for her bday!)
Wednesday: Low carb chicken soup and green beans
Thursday: Bunless burgers and salad
Friday: Fajita chicken salad
Saturday: Veg and roast chicken (going to a friend's)
Sunday: Low carb lasagna

So wish me luck! Time to get dressed up in non-flattering lycra and hit the gym!


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