Planning Birthday Parties

The Kid and I are 6 days apart birthday wise. I told the Husband years ago that I wanted a kid by the time I was 30. Six days after turning 30, I had the Kid. I told you I like to plan. My birthday is February 11th (I like sparkly things and fabric!) and the Kid's is on February 17th. We actually got to choose the date and yes, he shares a birthday with Paris Hilton. Kid, I share one with Sarah Palin so suck it up cupcake.

Anyway, last year I didn't do anything for my birthday. I was not in the mood to celebrate and I didn't realize that I was coming down with bronchitis. The following weekend we attended a ball and I was high on cough syrup and the next day we hosted the Kid's pirate themed second birthday of which I have no recollection of. I ended up going to the doctor the next day and she told me I came right in time- it was about to turn into pneumonia. Fun February! 

So this birthday (my 33rd), I want to do something big and fun. There is a lot to celebrate despite the shiteous past year and I want to celebrate with dancing and friends and wine. So, wait for it, I'm having a 70's themed disco party on February 8th. If you are in town, mark your calendars and get ready to feather your hair and do the hustle. I think I have found the perfect location and I will be sending out invites within the next couple of weeks. I cannot wait!

The next week I will have the Kid's third birthday party and the theme is, wait for it, Mardi Gras. This is more for the adults because the Kid could not care less as long as there is CAAAKE and presents. The beginning of February is going to involve a lot of fleur de lis cutouts and cardboard masks and gold paint and beads. Huzzah! A project! I live for projects!

And then, the weekend after that is the ball. I may or may not make another ball gown but the jury is still out on that one. I think the jury might say no. Or rather, the Husband will because I don't think he can take another scene of me huddled over the sewing machine sobbing "WHY WON'T THIS STAY TOGETHER?! WHY CAN'T I DO THIS?!?! 5 YEAR OLD KIDS DO THIS IN SWEAT SHOPS ALLOVER THE WORLD! WHY CAN'T I DO THIS?!?!" Most likely he will throw money at me and beg me to get a dress like he did last year. Never ever underestimate my powers of manipulation.

So January will be busy and February will be busy so here's hoping March might be a little less nuts. Must purchase gold paint and feathers today.


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