The First Visit

So tonight was our first visit to the "centre". All day I was on edge and just ready to get through it. At 4:15 I ran home, changed the Kid, threw provisions into his carriage, dressed him in a bazillion layers and headed out. The poor Kid was a coughing mess but I pretty much was like "No fever? Let's go!" He was in high spirits until we got to the last Ubahn stop and exited and he decided he wanted to walk. Then he got pissed we wouldn't let him stand on the tram tracks and then threw himself on the ground. That was awesome during rush hour pedestrian traffic. I finally bribed him with a cookie and we walked on to the centre. We arrived with a few minutes to spare and the Kid yelled at me to take off his shoes and he headed to the toys and started playing. Nobody was in the waiting room - no receptionist, nada. I turned to the Husband and whispered "what is the public one like?!?" Snob life 4 eva. Snob shocked at lack of personnel. Finally at 6:10, a door opened and a man ushered us in. He was a blonde Alan Rickman. I had a good feeling.

The Kid walked in, then spied some medical shit and promptly threw himself against the door saying "AUS!". I get it kid, white coat syndrome 4 eva. I also love that most places in Vienna are "altbau" so the Kid can't reach the door handles. I took the Kid to the corner where there were toys and we started playing. The doctor asked us questions and watched him play. I don't hold punches and got right to the point "So, like, does he seem to have autism?" The doctor (from now on referred to as Alan) looked at me quizzically and I explained. I am shocked at how good my German is when I am stressed. He looked at the Kid and said quite simply "Well, I can't really see it. If there is any chance of it, it would be on the very very very end of high functioning." He did say that the Kid seems to have some impulse control issues and that his delay in language is of course making him frustrated. We have a few more appointments with some specialists in the next year early on and I am looking forward to it.

I feel pretty relieved after this appointment. I'm not saying the Kid is "normal"... I think we will need some form of therapy and that is ok. What has had me so riled up is that I truly truly truly don't think that autism is his issue and yet, it seems to keep popping up. These situations have had me question my mother instinct. It's made me feel like I am in a glass bottle and I am just ranting and raving and nobody is listening (not you guys, you guys have been awesome). At this point, I would not care if he had autism (well, yes, it would be a challenge but parenting is challenging regardless), what I care about is that my intuition is being questioned and I hate how it has come about. I think the Kid will need some extra help - no doubt, and that is o.k. and I am prepared for that - but let us take it step by step with a team. We will get through this but I need the A word to stop for now. And if Alan doesn't see a serious issue, then that makes me happy. There are still more sessions and I am sure we will hear things we probably won't really want to hear, but you know what, at this point, I am ready. So all in all, time to drink some wine and enjoy Christmas! Mazel Tov


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