You Guys! Thank You! No, Thank You!

You guuuuys... Thank you so very much for all the sharing of yesterday's blog post and for all the awesome comments. I even received a lovely pm from an old friend. I got to say, I was really touched. And 194 page views?!?! Lordy! I do declare!

I feel this meme sums up how I feel today...

Last night I told the Husband about how many views my post got and he was like "The tube tube project?" and I was like "yes." He doesn't read my blog which is a-ok with me. I told him that I wrote about third culture kids and he was like "doesn't really apply to me." And then I was all like "What are you talking about?! You were born in Kenya, white boy!" and then I told him about what I wrote in terms of third culture kid "tics" and he was like "hmm, not really." And then I was all like "Two months ago we spent an evening trying to remember our drivers' names!!!" And then he got quiet.

In other news, it is FRIDAY! I am so excited. This week has really flown by and I have been sticking to magic muffins during the day and having healthy awesome dinners at night. I also went to the gym every morning this week and I do feel pretty awesome. Except for my arms. They hurt. I did a weight lifting thing butterfly move and I kind of walk like Molly Shannon and Raquel Welch from that Seinfeld episode now. The pain.

This weekend is the first weekend after 2 weekends that I don't have a I am really looking forward to a beautiful fall weekend with the Kid and Husband and I think I'll be meeting up with an old Moscow/University buddy so that is awesome, too. Tonight the Husband is out watching football so I will be doing gel nails, watching something spooky (has to be a film I have watched many times before so I can put it on mute when it gets scary) and enjoy some wine. Bless. A perfect evening.

HAPPY FRIDAY! And thank you for reading, it means a lot!


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