Monday Morning

A couple of days ago I was walking along the street. On a wall there was graffiti that read "Free Dabi". And I thought, I want free Dabi! What is free Dabi? Where can I find this free Dabi? Is free Dabi low carb? I don't care, I want free Dabi! And before I went into complete hysterics about free shit, I spied some more graffiti. This was one read "Free Daib". Oh, so I'm guessing that Dabi/Daib is incarcerated and his lovely dyslexic friends are trying to protest. Well that's a let down (I have changed the first letter of the name because maybe Dabi/Daib's will come after me and cut me for making fun of their lack of knowing how to spell their friend's name).

It is Monday morning and that's ok. I don't have a problem with Mondays, Tuesdays piss me off though (long explanation required and ain't nobody got time for that this morning). It will be a busy week spent making more decorations, ordering more decorations online, hiding credit card statements from the Husband, continuing low carbing, meeting with the daycare, most likely reconnecting with the child therapist, going out one night, enjoying the Husband going out one night and working, of course. I wish there were more hours in the day. I truly truly do.

All in all I have been mucho good low carbing. Friday night, however, I treated myself and me to deep fried cheese - it had been a hard week. The cheese part is low carb kosher but the breading is not. But, meh, it is better than face planting into a loaf of bread, non? Otherwise, I was clean eatin' the rest of the weekend. What I forgot about the deep fried cheese was that inevitably the Husband will also purchase the cucumber salad for himself. This cucumber salad was banned throughout my pregnancy. Think of it as a type of tzatziki that decides to add a garlic plantation in the back. A garlic plantation of evil. The stuff is potent and every time he picks that salad up, I pray it has gone off. Sometimes he saves it for later and I get up in the middle of the night and hide it and hopes he forgets about it. I hate the stuff. I love garlic to the millionth power but lawdy I cannot handle the stink of this stuff. It permeates the apartment. The Husband becomes a biochemical weapon. Cannot.take.the.smell. He ate some last night. I weep.

So have a fantastic morning! Later this afternoon I will be writing up my week's menu of low carb delights!
Happy Monday!!!


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