Judgy McJudgy Pants

Well, for those of you on Facebook, you already saw my post from Saturday. People were liking that status. And it made me happy that people be liking, people be liking and liking. If you didn't see it, here it is again:

Went to the Vienna Harvest Festival at the Hofburg today. I walked along, one hand holding a glass of chilled Riesling, the other one holding the Kid's hand. A tourist couple walked by and the wife said to her husband bitchily "Look at that mother. Walking with her child and drinking wine. Tsk, tsk." So I stopped. And I turned and with my most disarming smile said "Welcome to Europe. It's faaaabulous." and then I turned back and walked on. That was my moment... It was beautiful.

And I thought that today, guys, I would talk about it more in depth. I felt all "Whatcha gonna do about it lady?" when it first happened, but then as the day progressed I kept imagining this woman going back to her hotel and getting on Tripadvisor and writing a review about Vienna and I imagined it would go something like this:

So I am at the Hitler palace with my husband surrounded by people in Van Trapp costumes and I notice this woman walking along with her toddler. She's wearing cut off jean shorts (ed. note: Yes they are cut off jean shorts but I roll the hem and I paired them with a fabulous silk sleeveless top, thank you very much). She's holding her toddler's hand, who may be developmentally delayed because he kept yelling "bye bye" at every leaf that flew past. Anyway, she's clutching and gulping a glass of wine and God knows what is in her son's sippy cup. Noting that she must be intoxicated because only alcoholics drink at 3 in the afternoon in the presence of their child, I commented to my husband "look at that mother and her disturbing life choices" because, really, it is all about the children. So this drunk lady turns and looks at me and in broken English slurs "Velcome to my country. It's faaaaascist." Well I never. And so we've decided to never come back to Vienna!

Great, I've probably created some Switzerland versus Oprah hybrid. Austria will now have to apologize to Doreen of Des Moines on my behalf. Fantastic. I jest, maybe? Should probably take a look at Tripadvisor just in case...

Now, look, I get that I am being hypocritical. I'm judging someone who is judging me... or is that being ironic, still don't know how to use that term. Anyway, I get it. Judging is common and I just want you all to know that I am making an effort to judge less. And I am also making an effort to stand up for myself because by golly, who else will! I am woman hear me drink wine!!! Happy Monday and enjoy this awesome picture!


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