Random Thoughts

Hello Thursday! It looks like it is going to be a spectacular day! The sun is shining and even though it is stupidly cold for June, it seems like it is going to heat up soon. Tonight I am heading to the Lukas bar for a quasi reunion and that should be fun. Unless I turn into "I carried a watermelon" and end up standing in the corner. Then it won't be a fun night.

I got a decent night's sleep last night and that always revives me and stops me from making bad life choices like: bangs... Today's post is just a collection of random thoughts because why not?

Walks: I love my morning walks. Hopefully I can turn them into morning runs but I lost the running mojo after the Frauenlauf. It will be back but for now, the walks are awesome. I love the city at 5:30 in the morning. It is just starting to wake up on the main streets but the small roads are still sleepy and silent... because it is 5:30 in the morning. I also love that nobody can see me without make up and can't smell my morning breath. I am literally a zombie in a green hoodie, schlepping myself down and up hills. This morning I spied two awesome stickers; one read "Your outfit sucks!" and it was written in a cartoon balloon and I was like "Screw you cartoon balloon. Your outfit sucks!" and I might have said that out loud and again this is why early morning is the best because nobody is around to see me yell at a lamp post. And the other sticker read; "Mustard is the new butter." which, in my opinion, is a pretty divisive statement. Or a philosophical one but I wouldn't know because I am dumb which leads me to my next thought.

Stupidity: Heh. I am a firm believer that intelligence is not always equal to education. I also don't like to call people dumb unless I am talking about their dumb life choices. And while I have a fairly decent education, and I am wellish-read, and I am up-to-date on current events, I can be so very very stupid. One example was a few months ago. Friends were talking about shell suits and I had a completely different image in my mind so instead of staying quiet and googling "shell suits" at a later date, I took it one step further and made lobster claws with my hands and started singing "I'm a clam, I'm a mollusk! La la la!" at which point they stopped and looked at me. I could see first the confusion, then the realization and then the mocking came. OH THE MOCKING! And now to my most recent faux pas... Hedge Fund Managers. Now, for years I have heard this term but usually in a sentence like "Her husband is a hedge fund manager." my dirty mind would briefly grab at something but for the most part, I just thought people were saying that this woman's husband was a gardening enthusiast. And every.single.time I would snort and nod my head condescendingly. Gah. It's a real job. Stupid Tova. Stupid.

Sexism: Coincidentally, a friend just posted a link about sexism on her wall. It's a great cartoon talking about sexual harassment and how men can play a huge role of changing the culture of sexism. I grew up in house where women were equal to men... if not superior. We were expected to do well in school and to be able to debate our opinions with thoughtful arguments and cold hard facts. Funny that when I am losing an argument with the Husband, I often use my biggest weapon: tears. I am a disgrace to my gender. But besides that one little quirk, I am a feminist and I will always be a feminist and when "celebrities" say they are not feminists, I want to scream. But this has all been said before so instead, I will talk about the scene at a paper shop last week. I was standing in line, waiting to purchase stationary and a man in front of me (in his 70s) was buying a pen filler thing for his pen and the two shop assistants (women) were having a hard time figuring out which one fit. I was slightly ticked because this was taking a long time and I just had one thing to purchase and it seemed it would have made good business sense to ring up my transaction quickly and then go back to the pressing matter of filling a pen but whatever. The filler things weren't fitting so the two women called over another shop assistant who was a man. He figured it out quickly and then the customer exclaimed "Ah yes! We needed a man for a man's job!" and then the two women laughed and then I put down my stuff and walked out because I felt I was going to explode. Ugh. This needs to stop! End rant.

The Kid: He is doing so well! Last night we played a game where he had to point back and forth between me and the Husband saying "Mommy!"and "Daddy!" It is amazing to see his development and to see him coming out of his shell. There are little things that I am noticing in him. Now when we take a walk in his stroller he leans forward and points to various things. In the past he would sit in it, almost in a catatonic state. Or now he is constantly looking out the window and making up stories. No idea what he is talking about but he is very very excited. And while I am so excited to see him develop more, I still have my heart broken by mean and/or clueless people. Just the other week someone told me that if they had a son like ours, they would have given him up for adoption. I was devastated and wanted to scream but I didn't. Instead I went home and cried and then cheered myself up by watching Archer. The things people have said to me... unbelievable. But this just makes me stronger and more determined and of course it is going into my book. Turn douchery into cash! Huzzah!

So those are just some random thoughts today. Stay tuned for more stories! And we will see if Baby is put in the corner tonight or if she gets sloppy drunk. How exciting! Happy Thursday!


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