June Wrap Up

Wellity wellity. It is the last day in June. Tomorrow is Canada Day and I will be feeling a little home sick and a little in the mood for Ice Caps and poutine. I am going to a bbq for an editorial meeting in the evening and I have asked people to learn the Canadian national anthem because Canada RULES!
So much win in this picture!
I cannot believe that this month is coming to a close. I thought May was wild! June, you done good, Kid. You done good. So let's recap the insanity that was June.

Partay at Sekt Comptoir and Heuer: This was a lovely evening, meeting awesome new people and enjoying buckets of sparkling wine.

Summerstage: I had a great night out with a friend and we had pizza and we had our first bowle of the season! Huzzah!

Brickmakers: Finally got to try this restaurant out. There is something magical about their mac and cheese. Something magical indeed.

Art show: This was a lot of fun. I had beer, looked at great work, and then sat outside on the ground on the Wienzeile (linke one I think) and enjoyed the summer evening... as well as discovering there is a disturbing man who drives a cool car with a huge teddy bear in the passenger seat. That was not a nice thing to learn.

BBQ in Burgenland: This had so many wins. The Kid was amazing the whole day and we really stepped outside of our comfort zone and it was worth it. And what is better than a bbq on a hot summer day?

Visiting a publishing firm: Ok, so maybe I am not being published ((yet) (I am also optimistic)) but walking into a place that births books is pretty awesome. It's like me walking into Chanel or Dior. Oh the future possibilities!

Der Fuchs und Die Trauben: Yay! I went twice this month! One time to meet up with my oldest friend's sister and another to meet up with online friends and real life friend and now online friend is real life friend. The world is a magical place.

Concordia Ball: This was such a fun and surreal night. Getting all fancy and then getting plastered is about as Viennese as you can get. Deciding to go for a run at 4 in the morning after said ball, however, is not.

Fundraiser: I was such a nervous wreck before this event. Fears included: nobody showing up; making under 100 euros, making a small speech in front of my peers.. etc. But it turned out so so so well and we raised 1,500 euros which is the most incredible thing ever. And to have so much support from so many wonderful people was incredible! I am lucky to call so many of you friends and now I am getting all teary eyed... moving on. Oh, and I am so hosting this again next year!

AIS Not my class reunion: This involved a visit to Lukas bar and a visit to Lutz bar and it was so amazing to meet up with people and realize that the majority of us alumni are pretty awesome. There I said it. We are amazing. No, but in all honesty, I am glad that I went because it brought a strange sense of closure to my teenage years in Vienna.

Volksoper: This was awesome and so much fun! And because I am snob, I enjoyed most the fancy seats we got and of course the performance. Culture: I has it.

Walks with the Kid: This is a new tradition and I adore it. I strap him into his stroller and we walk down to Margaretenplatz and stop for a chocolate croissant. So technically I am turning him into veal. And addendum: The Kid's words are cropping up again and I could not be happier!

So July is coming up and I sadly have a feeling it won't be as spectacular as May and June. Well, my parental units are coming this weekend so that will be fantastic.. but after that.. nada really planned. If you have been invited to something fancy and you need a date, give me a call. I can't promise to behave but I will definitely make you laugh at some point of the evening. Or cringe. Or make you pretend you don't know me. But I will buy your drinks. So there you have it, June - a fantastic month of so much awesomeness (I even missed a couple of things I did because I was starting to look like Lindsay Lohan). Bye, June.


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