Dis and Dat - Hello June

Well, I am incredibly excited! I finally have an awesome location for the Meet and Greet/Fundraiser on June 21st. It will be at the Adria Wien which is right on the canal. It is an ideal spot because there is a glass structure for shelter in case the weather turns crappy. They are even offering the location for free which is amazing and means I can spend more of the budget on free booze for guests. I love organizing events and I love that this will go towards a good cause. I have a lot of organizing to do but I LIVE for stuff like this!

I am still waiting for my ball dress. I ordered it with priority mail, assuming it would get here by Friday but I was wrong. So now I wait. And if you know me, you will know how patient I am. I am not patient, Not even one little bit. COME ON DRESS!

The weather is finally beautiful! This morning I decided to walk from home to Schwedenplatz this morning to take advantage of the weather. And by walk I mean mince. My shins are hurting like crazy so I have to take it slow. Because, in a couple of days, I am going to start training for a 10K! I am doing a virtual run and you can see the details here . I have no idea if I will be 10K ready by then but nobody will be able to see me so I could technically just walk 10K and still be a winner.

I cannot believe almost half the year is over. It has been quite a trip so far and I feel so grateful for everything I have experienced and I know that this year is just going to get better! I also feel like I need to catch up on a lot of reality TV watching. I am way behind. I think tonight, if I don't get home too late from work, I will make the Husband watch Southern Charm with me. The first season was amazing! And as a lot of you know, I am obsessed with all things Southern. I think it comes from the time when I was younger when I read Gone With the Wind and to Kill a Mockingbird and then I watched Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (which is also a great book) and I have built up an image of cocktails and porches and cook outs and fireflies. Too bad I am the Jewiest of Jews to ever Jew from Canada so I would never blend... but the dream of a holiday to Savannah and Charleston still lives on.

Today is officially my 11 year anniversary of living in Wien... for the second time. In total I have lived in Vienna for 15 years. I lived here from 93-97 with my parents and went to the American International School. When I left back in 97, I was all like "Bye! Never coming back here!". I admit it, I was not smitten with Vienna. I didn't have a great school life and I wasn't a great student and Vienna was boooo-rrrring back in those days. And then I met an Austrian and, well, you know the rest. But I love this city now and I cannot imagine living anywhere else. There are, of course, just a couple teeny tiny things I would change about the city. But otherwise, it is pretty damn perfect. And now that summer is here, bring on the awesomeness that Vienna becomes: Rathaus film festival (we usually go on Sunday afternoons before it gets packed), Summer Stage, Vienna Expat BBQ's, Museum Quartier... and because the Kid is making such strides, I hope that this summer will be the awesome. I am optimistic. Unfortunately the Kid has had a terrible stomach ache the past day. The Nanny even called to tell us he was freaking out which of course brought back all the memories of the year before when he would freak out over every.little.thing and eventually led to him being kicked out of 2 kindergartens. But I am hoping that this is just gas and not another stage of freak outs. Fingers crossed. And I need to get some more Febreze.

And the last thing is a mini rant. Now, in our building we have an interesting mixture of tenants. For the most part, everybody is super friendly. The neighbors across the hall are absolutely lovely. They have two kids: a 5 year old and a 10 year old who are both super awesome. Around the corner we have the super who has lived here probably for 50 years. She is super lovely too. Right below us is a single retired woman. We didn't even know someone lived below us until she complained that the Kid was too loud at night since his room is just above hers. I brought her cupcakes to apologize. I said "He has special needs." and she responded with "I thought so." And it took every ounce of willpower not to toss over the tray of cupcakes and smoosh them into her Persian rug. But we worked it out and she has been great ever since. Then there is the owner of the cocker spaniel Bobo who is the most popular dog in the park. And then there is a man a few floors up who is a single dad but gives off the vibe that if he had the chance he would corner me and discuss my aura and/or tantric sex. And then this is the ranty part: the couple 2 floors up. I believe that they are in their mid twenties and they have a 2 year old and a 5 year old. The grandparents live on our floor and take their grandkids a lot. The dad wears a trucker hat and drives an SUV with hockey stickers and seems to be quiet and nice. But his wife? Man! She gives me the stink eye every single time I see her which is almost daily. She won't even greet me sometimes and it drives me nuts. And one of her kids even goes to the same daycare as the Kid and you would think this would be a bonding thing... but nope, nada, stink eye. Oh well. One day I shall make her smile. Most likely it will be when I trip up the stairs and chip a tooth. Ugh.

So there you have it. Just another dis and dat. Hopefully the Kid feels better in a day or two so that the Nanny doesn't call in a panic again. Send good thoughts our way, bitte! Happy first day of June!


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