Dis and Dat

I am still so amazed and so grateful to everybody for yesterday. I still cannot believe so much money was raised. AMAZING! I feel incredibly blessed for having so many awesome friends and this means the world to me! So one more time THANK YOU!!

In other news, this week is gearing up to be a busy one again. No rest for the wicked! Tomorrow night will be a mini AIS reunion - and of course we are going to Der Fuchs und Die Trauben. And on Thursday there is a meet and greet at Lukas. It is not my graduating year so I will only be attending the all age party on Thursday. I am pretty excited to meet up with a Facebook friend who I went to school with but never hung out with. She was 4 years ahead of me and in high school years that is like the age difference between Clooney and that Stacey Kiebler. Snap. I'm a bitch today. Speaking of today, I'm in a funk. Post-fundraiser blues and all that. I am so excited that everything went beyond well but now there is a bit of void now that I am not spending hours planning it. Somebody give me a project, or praise me or pat me on the head and tell me something awesome is about to happen. Sigh.

But today wasn't all bad. Office twin and I have made an arrangement. He is expected to slap food out of my hands if it is junk food. I originally told him to slap me if I am about to eat something bad but he wasn't comfortable with that so now he will just be slapping the food. He did however eat Oreos in front of me which was not the original deal. Office twin is called office twin because we share an office and a birthday and that blew our minds. We bicker like siblings and my favourite past time is trolling him. This morning he made the mistake of calling me pretentious... he is going to get it. We are also enjoying playing "Imaginary Company". This is where we discuss our future marketing firm and come up with great ideas. It would be like Mad Men but without the rampant sexism but with the rampant alcoholism. We would bring back liquid lunches.

We have also come up with the idea that if a client comes in and we think their company goes against any of our morals (i.e. Crocs for me) we would just "boo" them until they would leave. Today we came up with interview questions:
"Where do you see yourself 5 years ago?"
"Do you see yourself as one person or all of us?"
"Use crayons and draw us like one of your French girls." I just added that one tonight because it IS AWESOME! Yeah, this company is so going to happen.

I'm looking forward to hopefully getting some sleep tonight and not waking up cringing thinking I have written something obnoxious in a tipsy state. Restrained I am not. Lots of cringing the last few mornings. Ugh. I'm currently working on a couple of posts and I have an article for Vienna Würstelstand to finish. Otherwise, back to the same old same old. Booooooo.


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