I Did a Little Shopping

Some of you might believe that I am a compulsive shopper but I actually am not. I hate the act of shopping: going through crowds, carrying heavy things while trying to look cute, waiting in line. Online shopping is fantastic but I do not get the same instant gratification I get from in-shop purchasing. I am lucky that my mother passes on a lot of her fabulous clothes and buys me great things so that definitely saves me from committing financial suicide on the Graben. We are currently watching our monies too because we spend a lot of money on nanny fees and the Kid's therapy is not covered by the health system here. Since September, the Kid has been in the new kindergarten (and we love it) but they will only take him half days. Both the Husband and I work full time so ergo the nanny fees. Our rent is also not cheap but it is a small price to pay to be able to wake up every morning feeling like a Chubby Disney Princess TM. (trademarking that right now because I just came up with a new Disney princess idea - she's 34, she's fabulous, she's a fan of Yoga pants and Ben and Jerry's, and her super powers include getting a broken cork out of a wine bottle and walking in Jimmy Choos on cobblestone streets) Anyway, once in a while I will indulge in a little shopping and this is what I have bought in the last couple of weeks... with pictures because, yay!

Ikea sofa covers: Yeah, calm down there. I know. Super exciting. I actually am plutzing over here because I finally gave up the idea of painting our sofas - but there is still a chair I am eyeing to paint. We have two white Klippan sofas in our living room and I have been covering them with large white blankets (as you can see in the pictures below). Our living room is all white with some silver frames and a pop of pink:

The blankets have been useful to catch dirt and stains. I could blame the Kid but he eats in the kitchen. When I can, I eat on the sofa reading message boards on the Internet and more often than not, spill my mac and cheese all over the arm of the sofa. The blanket covering thing is starting to make our place look like Grey Gardens and next thing you know I will be wearing my wedding dress (ha.ha. like that fits me anymore) and drinking wine in the dark. So I am becoming an adult and cleaning up the look and buying Klippan sofa covers. They aren't cheap so that means no more breakfasts of cold pizza on the sofa. It sucks becoming an adult. But at least the place will look purdy.

A ball gown: On the 19th of June I will be attending the Concordia Ball at the Rathaus. I've never been to a summer ball and I am really excited. I figured I should splurge and spend 45 euros on a dress. I bought this one

...and it is too big and too long so I will have to get it taken in. I plan to do that tomorrow evening. Fingers crossed they can do it in a week or I might just use one of the sofa blankets and fashion myself a ball Toga. Tova in a Toga and yes I had a Toga party a few years ago and it was epic.

A film: We have so so so many DVD's to watch but I have wanted to watch this film again for so long. I adored this film in university and I wonder if I will still love it. It inspired me to start cooking when before I couldn't even boil a pot of water. I haven't been adventurous in a long time in the kitchen so I hope this will propel me to get back in there and make some magic. I do love the soundtrack to this film and play it often when I cook. Hope the film is as good as I remember. Otherwise we will be ordering in... again.

Bathing costumes: Shudder. I haven't worn a swimsuit in a couple of years. The weather was horrific last summer but a tragedy also occurred so last summer was not a summer at all. I cannot believe a year has almost passed and now just a shout out to my amazing friend Debra for being one of the strongest people I know. You are amazing!! I love you! Compliment over, moving back to me. I have decided that this summer I will swim at some point, hopefully under the cover of darkness among people with bad eyesight. Should this event happen, I want to be prepared. So I went on Amazon and bought these. I think they are adorable! The Husband will most likely ask me why I ordered granny panties. I will let you know if they fit or not and I am sure I can make a whole blog post out of that tragic moment I stand in front of the mirror.

And so those are my most recent purchases. Tonight I am working later and then I am heading to an art show called Villes du Futur at UBIK Space. Should be fun! Then I will probably walk back home and perhaps stop for a drink along the way. Happy Wednesday everybody!


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