What a Week!

Oh happy Friday! It is so good to be home and on the sofa and in my pj's and surrounded by my Halloween decorations. That's right, it is time to start spookying up the place. I actually have shown extreme restraint especially since the party is only in 3 weeks! GAH! So much to do!

So, yes, this week has been amazing! A Night Run, a book signing, dinner at Fuchs, and an awesome Ladies' night last night. I stayed home with the Kid due to his cold and when the Husband showed up from work, I put on my wedge boots and headed to Sobieskiplatz to a wine bar. It was organized by a friend through the American Women's Association and she did an awesome job. She had booked a room for us and in the end I think we were over a dozen women. We sat around a large table and all took turns introducing ourselves and this would usually make me groan and find an excuse to hide in the bathroom, but it actually turned out to be hilarious. It was a great great mix of women and I love nothing more than meeting interesting ladies. #girlpower #girlcode The conversations were all over the place and I learned about inverted nipples. What?!? TOTALLY NEW INFORMATION!!

And I have to stop here for a second and give a shout out to my dear friend who said last night that one of her biggest goals before leaving Vienna, was to be called a dear friend in my blog. Right now she is going like this because she told me she would if she saw me write this and I did it and now she is totally doing this:

There you go honey, you are a dear friend and I am super bummed you are leaving. But I am totally planning to visit you Stateside! We might spend most of the time at Michael's Crafts and Target but I will bring a flask!

After a couple of glasses of wine and amazing conversations about EVERYTHING! I took a taxi home, wrote a few e-mails and messages and crawled into bed. In the morning I woke up and got ready for work and decided to go for the casual Friday look (read: I'm feeling fat and wish I had fancy stretchy pants) which I rarely do. I also paired the look with an awesome cold sore. Awesome sexy Tova. Of course I got an e-mail suggesting lunch with two people I hadn't met before. The lunch had been planned for Thursday so of course I had to postpone, but I had not expected a lunch on Friday and so I immediately regretted my outfit choice and the lip herpes. The two people I met for lunch are actually parents of autistic kids. Thanks to the new Autism in Vienna page I started on Tuesday, I was contacted by a lovely woman who works in the same compound as I do. And she contacted another parent she had heard of and so the three of us met. I ordered pizza because lip growth equals self pity and we sat down and chatted and OMG! was it GREAT!

We all realized we had done the same useless therapy, been told the same crap and spent hours and hours of dealing with bigotry. I teared up a few times because it finally felt like somebodies (it's a new word) understood what the Husband and I have been through. I have had amazing support via e-mails and messages from around the world and it has meant the world to me, but to be able to share experiences with parents who have had to deal with autism in Vienna: incredible. After lunch we were standing and chatting and I apologized for almost crying a few times and the two other parents admitted that they also cry a lot... and it truly was a bonding moment. This meeting was all the proof I needed to keep pushing the Autism in Vienna page. So if you are a parent with an autistic child and you are in Vienna, send me an e-mail or pm if you want to join us for a wine night on November 5th. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders after that hour today. Feeling so blessed.

Next week promises to be another crazy week. On Monday I am meeting a woman about ABA who contacted me through the FB page. On Tuesday I am meeting a friend for early drinks and dinner and then we are going to the Natural History Museum for the Ig Noble awards. On Wednesday I have to work later and then on Thursday I might have another meeting and on Friday friends are having a housewarming party. This weekend will be spent hiding because of my lip grossness, decorating the apartment and perhaps a walk through Pötzleinsdorf on Sunday. Code word for this weekend: CHILLING! I hope you all have a great one, too!


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