Good Bye Office Twin and Nice to See you Nein Quarterly

Well guys, I lost my twin. His contract at work ended yesterday. What am I going to do? I have all this pent up trolling to do and now it will just fester. So today's post will talk about Office Twin (his favourite topic) and what I did last night... because we cannot make it all about Office Twin.

Office Twin and I shared an office for about a year and there were definitely some highlights.
- The time he inadvertently called me fat (3 times, I counted).
- The time I called him poor.
- The time he tried to explain "communal luxury" and when I asked if I could have more luxury than others, he told me I would be the first to die in the revolution.
- The afternoons we only spoke in Italian accents.
- Positive Thursdays that always turned into Depressing Fridays.
- The songs we would sing...badly
- Our future marketing company called "Raping Ducks, Ltd." where we will just "boo" clients we don't like, followed by Mad Men-style liquid lunches.
- The time I called him poor.
- The incredible plans of revenge we would concoct: Operation Whale is still on, OT
- The time he was recognized as Office Twin and he thought he was famous.
- The time he acted as my nutritionist for 3 days by smacking food out of my hand.
- The Wall of Shame. (long story)
- Our joint birthday cake that his sister made: rainbow cake with his and her unicorns.
- And all the laughs shared.

There are many many more stories and anecdotes but we don't want Office Twin to have any more self-confidence. I will be getting an awesome new office mate for the next three months so don't be sad for me.

So farewell Office Twin! My brother from another mother, my sister from another mister! You will be missed. I can still troll from afar, though!

Last night I went to a book signing. It was a last minute decision and since it was held near der Fuchs und die Trauben, it made it a simple decision. I minced my way to the Main Library up near the Stadthalle (still in pain from the run) and made my way inside. The book signing was for the new book from Twitter favourite: Nein Quarterly, a.k.a Eric Jarosinski. He is an American who has a highly intellectual Twitter feed that has all the intellectuals atwitter (ah. ah. ah.hhaha (pretentious laugh) ha. I am so witty). Last night he gave a speech and I realized that I am dumb. There were a lot of references to Nietsche, Kant and Krauss. I would say I got 85% of the jokes. The rest I just sat there and chuckled and nodded like I totally "got" it. I pm'd with a friend writing stuff like "I AM SO DUMB!". I also regretted my outfit choice. I decided on a Boho meets Mary Tyler Moore and all that was missing was a large floppy hat. I looked ridiculous. Book signings require tweed, scarves and a strong intellect... which I usually have until people start talking about smart stuff and not the Kardashians. I do have to say, that Eric Jarosinski is actually a pretty awesome guy and some of the things he said made me laugh out loud. And if I were smarter, I would have done more of that.

There will be more posts about Nein Quarterly but you will have to least until I Google Nietsche. I am super excited because he will be at the Ball of Sciences in January and I am all ready to be like "Descartes.. or do you mean a la carte..." when someone passes me the wine menu. ahahahaha. Anyway, after the book signing, I headed out to Fuchs for dinner with a friend and guessed it... gyoza. It was an interesting night and made me realize that I need to spend less time on and more time reading The New Yorker... well maybe just their cartoons.

The Kid and I spent most of the day together. He has a cold but is acting like the squirrel from Christmas Vacation. The Nanny came for a couple of hours so that I could have a meeting. It was a pretty interesting meeting that came about due to the Autism in Vienna page I started. It is so incredible to get so many people writing me and showing an interest. Let's take Vienna by storm. Who is with me?!?!


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