End of the Week Wrap Up

Well hello there Friday evening. I am liking you very much. A week ago today I was surrounded by awesome people in awesome costumes and having a ball. Today I am surrounded by my laptop and wearing flannel pj's and wearing fluffy slippers and well, that's awesome too.

It has been a good week: quiet save for Wednesday night when I turned into Tara Reid on a night out. It definitely made the list for awesomeness paired with some embarrassing moments. The Kid has also been incredibly awesome since Saturday. The Husband and I keep shaking our heads in amazement at how happy he has been. And last night he kicked around a balloon for an hour which was amazing for us to see. For the past couple of years, he hasn't shown much interest in "playing" but last night he was on fire! He even brought it to bed with him. I kept waiting for the "pop" and then the screams of terror. We also have not had any freak outs or temper tantrums and it is like he's tapped into some meds to give him the happies. Maybe I should check my wine rack to see if anything is missing? He also has been sleeping like an angel since Sunday. Not once has he come into our bed in the middle of the night which is the first time in over a year and it makes me get up at 3 in the morning to put a mirror under his nose. Part of me thinks that maybe for the past 6 months he has been experiencing some sort of jet lag from the Spring daylight savings time and now he is back to his regular routine. Whatever has happened, it is incredible!

This morning we had his therapy appointment and he was incredibly adorable. Difficult because he was totally playing me and the therapist but adorable because he gets this little smile when he is acting like a little demon. Oh wait... is this bad parenting? Anyway, I hope he is still in a good mood when about 7 children come over tomorrow in the afternoon for a Halloween party. I decided that our decorations needed to stay out after the party last week and so I invited some friends and their kids over to eat candy and wear costumes while the adults drink and go "Awwww!" when we see the kids in their costumes and then yell "KNOCK IT OFF!" when the sugar hits their blood stream and they turn into tiny hooligans and try to kill each other.

Now, the thing is, is that the Kid could not care less that we are having a party. Most likely he will end up miming "Peace out." and will head into our bedroom and hang out under our bed away from the mayhem. I don't think the Kid solely has autism but maybe some catism but that is another story. No, the party is a chance to feel like the Kid has a "normal" childhood. We spend so many hours on therapy and making sure he doesn't make the news that once in a while, we need to, as parents, feel like everything is normal and everything is going to be fine when we have no idea if anything will ever be fine. And here is where I cry a little. It's hard, guys. It is so fucking hard. There are days that I just wish I could also hide under our bed but I don't let myself rest for even a minute because I fear that once I stop, I might never want to start again. I try to stay positive and I try to put on a happy face day in and day out but sometimes, my heart feels like it going to break into a million pieces. So, long story short, we are having a party. Gosh, I'm not even drinking and I got emotional. Walk it off, Tova, walk it off.

Anyway, sorry about that, before the party I am going spinning which I am really looking forward to. It has been a couple of weeks since I have been and I need to get my ass in shape. After the party, I am heading out for Halloween with a couple of friends. I have no idea where we are going but we will find something. On Sunday I will be taking down the decorations because after a month of living surrounded by skulls and death shrouds, it is time to get back to the all white that I love so very much. At 4 we are having a lovely speech therapist come by to assess the Kid and we will discuss the workshop she is putting together for Autism in Vienna. After that, I am meeting a friend for dinner - we usually meet during the week for a quick drink and then have our long weekend morning walk but this time we are going to take it easy and have a real dinner in a restaurant! Fancy!

Now it is time for me to start making cupcakes and pumpkin cookies for tomorrow. I will be ordering Indian food in a little bit as soon as the Husband and the Kid start to make their way home from the In laws. Otherwise I foresee a quiet night at home because I can't always be attending book launches and Champagne afternoon teas. Heh. Happy Friday night!


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