Exciting Event Tomorrow and Dis and Dat

Whattup Tuesday night? I am on the sofa, in my pj's and enjoying a small glass of wine. I am in a pretty awesome mood for a few reasons and while this won't be a super long post, I have some dis and dats. This morning I got to work super super early so that I could bounce from work at exactly 3:30. I was able to get a last minute hair appointment and the greys were coming in and I had to go and get it done stat.

I hate having my hair done. I love my hair dresser and I love the end result. But two hours of pampering? Kill me now. He even gave me a glass of champs and lectured me for working while the dye set. He is great! But because my time is so limited, 2 hours seems like a long long time to dedicate to myself. Why yes, I am insane. If somebody could create a spa that comes to your house while you sleep, I would totally invest in that. WHY ARE THERE ONLY 24 HOURS IN THE DAY?!?! WHY?!

Anyway, tomorrow I am going to a book launch! Hey-o! I was invited (I bartered for it because I am shameless) by a friend and originally I wasn't able to go because I had to work late but plans changed and YAY! I get to go to a book launch! What I know about a book launch is pretty much from TV shows or movies because that is my point of reference.. and sometimes Wikipedia.

I will always remember that scene from Bridget Jones when she has to make the opening speech and Salman Rushdie is there as is Jeffrey Archer and that line "Yours aren't bad, either." is epic. So I totally have a feeling that this book launch will be nothing like that and I will be a good girl and stand in the corner working on my fake laugh because once again, I will most likely be in a room surrounded by people who do not reference Bridget Jones.

I even wrote a friend in New York who is used to book launches to ask advice about an outfit. I think we came up with a good plan. And the bangs are coming out because as I wrote her "INSTANT BOTOX!" I can't wait! Today our psychology student came to work with the Kid. She wrote the awesomest e-mail after the session and I am so incredibly happy! It seems he did really well which is surprising.. and yet, I totally think he is crushing on her. The Nanny even told me that when she left today, she said "Bye" and he gave her his goofy fake smile which is hilarious. My little Casanova. We will have to talk. But yes, I am so so happy that we have her coming 3 times a week and I have a really amazing feeling that we will see a big change soon! And if loving an older woman gets him to the next level, that is fine by us.

In other news, the Autism in Vienna page reached 200 likes today! That is great and I cannot wait to see the page grow and grow. Don't forget, November 3rd is our first parent night. Please let me know if you are coming or forward the info to friends. It will be a casual wine night to get to know other parents with autistic kids. Once I get a head count, I will book the place! So, that is a small dis and dat post. I am heading to bed to finish my Hercule Poirot novel. I also downloaded a collection of Halloween stories onto my Kindle. I just finished one short story by Oscar Wilde and it was adorable! Who knew? I didn't. That's why I am not going to say much at the book launch tomorrow. Happy Tuesday!


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