The Week Ahead

Happy Austria Day! 60 years of neutrality and they celebrate with a military parade! Yaay! Besides the Halloween party, the Autism Symposium and the afternoon at the Ritz Carlton, it has been a pretty chilled long weekend. On Saturday we cleaned and napped a little and then in the evening the Husband picked up the Kid. Immediately we noticed something very different about him. Don't worry, all limbs were attached.

The Husband said "Doesn't he seem a lot happier?" and I looked at him as he ran around and I agreed. On Sunday it was the same thing. I took him to the park for a bike ride and he was easy going and happy. And let us talk about some of the playgrounds in this city. WHY MUST THEY BE SO HIGH!?!? The Kid was giving me heart palpitations the whole time he climbed up the insanely high apparatus.

I think the other parents were bemused at the crazy lady yelling "Raphael! Focus! What are you doing?! Not head first down the slide! NOT HEAD FIRST!" We stayed for about 15 minutes because my nerves couldn't take it anymore. My little bubble boy. Anyway, he was awesome ALL DAY! Like, it has been months since we have seen this side of him and it was amazing. I was hoping for a hat trick and a hat trick we got because today he was again awesome. Well, except for the fact that he was hopped up on something because we literally couldn't get him to walk not run ALL.DAY.LONG. Around 11 we walked to the Hofburg to check out the military celebration which was a big mistake because there were too many people and the Kid hates crowds. That's not autism, he gets that from me. We left after 10 minutes and let him run around the back of the Natural History Museum. He had so much energy that we were trying to burn off so when he tried to get back into his stroller, I kept running. Damn, is he fast. I am thinking we need to get him into some sport. Little legs but the stamina! We took the tram back home and once again, sat on the couch, watching in amazement as he ran laps.

I also stupidly decided after a power nap, to take a run. It has been 3 weeks since the Night Run. Feels more like 3 years. This was a tough one. But I am happy I did it... especially after stepping on the scale this morning. THE AGONY!

I also detoxed today which I am proud of. Well, proud that I didn't kill any of my loved ones.In the morning I went to the juice place nearby and ordered a juice and sucked that down. At lunch I had some rice and then for dinner, another juice. It feels good to re-set a little, especially after all the crap I have been eating recently. I hope to get a run in tomorrow morning but we will see what my body says. The morning after the Night Run, my feet were so cramped that I had to crawl to get the Kid some milk. The Husband sat up in bed and saw me on the floor and said "Well, that's not good." to which I responded with "No shit." So let's see how it goes! This week promises to be pretty chill unless something last minute comes up. I have a hair appointment (that I just got last minute) tomorrow after work, Wednesday I have to work late and on Thursday I will meet someone for a coffee in the afternoon. Otherwise Saturday is Spinning and then the Kiddo Halloween party and then I am going out with a couple of girlfriends to ring in All Hallow's Eve.

It is good that it is going to be a somewhat quiet week as November is looking absolutely insane!! There will be the Autism in Vienna parent night, a couple of get togethers, a super exciting event (that I will talk about soon), a ball, I also hope to have a small Thanksgiving at our place because I totally missed the Canadian one and of course The House of Canada has a stand at Feschmarkt so I will be there for the 3 days! Also, mark your calendars because the Vienna Ball of Sciences tickets go on sale. I am going with a group of awesome friends and I cannot wait! Also, if you show your ticket to Austrian Airlines (and you don't live in Vienna but are coming for the ball) you will get a 15% discount on your flight. AMAZING! So, yes, my life is like what, right now. I am incredibly grateful for all that I have been experiencing this past year as well as the fact that the Kid seems to be going through an AWESOME phase. His eye contact is steady, he is giggling and laughing and well, life is pretty good right now. Happy Monday!


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