Daycare Meeting Coming Up and Dis and Dat

Sup Tuesday night!! Tomorrow is the last working day for me until next Tuesday! Yaay! No more pants with buttons! Bring on the yoga pants. Well, except for Thursday when I go to the symposium. Tomorrow morning we have a meeting at the daycare. My stomach is in knots because even though we have had awesome meetings with this daycare, memories of the old place always come up. I will never forget the terribleness (it's a word) of hearing how awful The Kid was and how I probably should quit my job and that we don't spend enough time with him and so and so forth. I am still scarred from that. I do go out on average twice a week but I try to at least one of the nights to come home first before heading out so that I can spend some time with the Kid. We have this thing called "Snuggle time" that is my favourite part of the day. I get home, kick off my shoes, and then we go to the parent bed and snuggle for a good 15 minutes. He usually sits and talks in his own language and I just listen. It's our time and it is sacred to me. Even though I don't know what he is saying, I know that he is telling me something. Probably something judgemental because he is my son.

I hope that tomorrow's meeting is quick and painless. I know that he has been more difficult the past month so I am definitely ready to be defensive. A natural state. Fingers crossed I keep my cool and that it is another great meeting. Otherwise...

After work today I met a new friend who shot my incredibly flattering pictures back in the summer. She had printed off 6 of the pictures and I was so excited to see them. She lives in the same hood so I suggested we meet at Cafe Wortner for a quick drink. I showed up first and as always, awkwardly walked into the place. I have this weird initial discomfort of walking into a place alone. I don't know why but I immediately scan the place with darty eyes and then find the first place that has free seating. And then since I am so uncomfortable standing in the middle of the restaurant/bar/cafe looking like that dramatic prairie dog gif, I usually end up choosing a crap seat and then I spend a good 5 minutes non-chalantly trying to find a better place.

But today I brought out the awkward to the power of ten. I walked into a glass door. Now, I thought it would push open but it was a sliding door and even the large arrows on the glass did not clue me in so I spent a good few seconds trying to push it open. I tried to cover the mortifying moment by laughing hysterically... kind of trying to pass it off as "AHAHAHA! How funny am I! I'm here all night folks!!" and the waiter came over and showed me how the magic sliding door worked and I just wanted to die. TO DIE! And yet, I kept laughing.. The shame.

We had a great, quick drink, looked at the AWESOME pictures and then I ran home to relieve the nanny. I had plans to get some work done tonight once the Kid fell asleep but I felt my time was better spent sitting in my flannel pyjamas, drinking tea and trying to find flattering pictures of our new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to convince a friend that he is HOT! The highlight of tonight was receiving a PM from someone in the States. She wrote me a few months back when my friend at the New York Post mentioned my blog. We've written back and forth a little bit and today she wrote me (Hi you! I tell all my stories on this blog, by the way) and said she was heading to Vienna next month and we are going to meet up and I find that awesome! Getting messages from people around the world is so incredible and a real push for me to keep writing. I like praise. A lot of it. Never stop, people. This girl needs constant affirmation. I am not ashamed to admit it.

Three more sleeps until the Halloween party! I am a little concerned that I am not dry heaving into a paper bag thinking about all the things I have to do but maybe I am so seasoned at throwing parties that I no longer stress out? No, that doesn't sound right. I stress out about everything (please refer to: finding a good seat at a cafe and I hope that Thursday morning I can get most of the groceries and that Friday I will have time for a disco nap. We also need to put up a sign downstairs that we will be having a party. I am hoping that a group of 30-50 year olds don't cause the cops to show up... I'll just make sure not to play any Macarena or the theme song from any show from the 80's onwards. I just received two more trophies in the mail. Remember that there will be best male and female costume trophies and best couple ones. I love that when people come the first time, they wear a costume and have a great time and then suddenly they realize that some people go all out and that competitive  drive suddenly kicks in and suddenly they are all like "NEXT YEAR I WILL SHOW YOU ALL!!"  This is what happened to one of my dearest friends. About 8 years ago she was like "Meh, Halloween party" and she showed up in black and with that Scream mask. Fast forward and the lady has won at least twice.

I love my friends. Well, it is time for me to head to bed and get a good night's sleep. It's going to be a tough morning and a long day. Once I get through that, it is time to go to the mattresses and get this party ready! Happy Tuesday night!


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