Just Some Dis and Dat

Happy Monday everybody! I am back in my pj's, sitting on the sofa and watching the Austrian political debate on TV and trying to keep my blood pressure down. Gah! I could never go into politics. Anyway... today was a good day save for a little phone call from the kindergarten. And most of you know how I feel about phone calls concerning the Kid. My heart races and my stomach drops and I want to scream.

Apparently the Kid had been crying most of the morning and they called the Husband to ask if there was a reason why. Of course.. he is upset about the fact that his personal butler (me) is unable to serve his every whim and fancy. But luckily the Nanny told me tonight that he was perfect in the afternoon so I am feeling a lot better. Yesterday was the first time he had been outside since Tuesday and when he walked out of the building, he literally jumped up and down in excitement. We laughed and laughed and realized that he truly is a free-range kid. And then we realized we need to break his spirit before the cold weather rolls in.

Sunday truly was an idyllic day. After the last few weeks of sickness, fits, sickness, fits, I feel a lot better now. I also just came back from a great meeting with a great lady. She contacted me because of the Autism in Vienna page and I am very much looking forward to working with her in the future. November 5th will be the first parent wine night and I am aiming for a workshop about current therapies for autism in the middle of November. Come one come all! On Saturday we are meeting a psychology student who will hopefully start working with us and I cannot wait! So much to do!

Since this is a dis and dat post, here are some random moments:

The young drunk guy: I posted this on Facebook:  And I feel like I need to expand on that. It was a sight to behold. I watched as a very visibly drunk man swerved through the park, clutching his plastic cup. He couldn't walk straight but when he got to the recycling bins, he leaned heavily on one of them, and with one eye closed, he located the bin for plastics and tried to put his cup in it. It took a few tries but he finally did it. I silently applauded his determination. He must have woken up with a raging hangover but he should know that he is a hero for the environment! I salute you, Drunk Dude!

Awkwardness on the elevator: This morning I got into the elevator at work. It was crowded and I was uncomfortable. A woman was behind me and another woman stepped in after me and stood in front of me. Suddenly the woman behind me started to poke the woman in front of me. The woman didn't turn around. The woman behind me poked her again. And I could see the woman in front start to get agitated and was giving me side eye... and still, she didn't turn around. The woman behind me reached out and poked her for the third time and then the woman in front of me turned around forcefully and looked at me and looked like she wanted to bitch slap me. I was about to yell "IT WASN'T ME!" but then she caught the woman in the back's eye and said "Oh hey!" and all was well in the world besides the fact that I felt like I was about to dance with the beast in an enclosed space.

Plans for tomorrow: I am meeting a friend for drinks in the afternoon and then we are heading over to the Natural History Museum. We will be attending the Ig Nobel awards and I am pretty curious about what this entails. My knowledge of science stops at condensation... and even then I am not quite sure what that is. I still don't understand how planes don't constantly fall out of the sky. Tons of metal floating thousands of feet in the air? Voodoo MAGIC!!

So it is slowly time for me to head to bed. It is going to be another long and exciting week. I also hope to do a Movie Recap about Scream.. you know, the film that came out like 20 years ago. It is one of my favourite films to watch around Halloween which is weird because I can't handle gore... maybe that is why I watch it behind a blanket. I wish you all an awesome night and catch you on the flipside!


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