Autism in Vienna, The Week Ahead and Our New Prime Minister is Hot

Well I woke up to fabulous news.. well, I woke up first to the Kid yelling at me for some reason and then I heard the good news. Justin Trudeau is our new Prime Minister and that is FANTASTIC! Pierre Trudeau was our Prime Minister for 16 years and I even had the chance to meet him when we lived in Romania. That's one of my claims to fame. The other one was meeting Aqua of Barbie Girl fame at the Toronto Airport. Now his hot son has been elected and that is fantastic news. So on behalf of all Canadians, I take this opportunity to say "Our political leader is hotter than your political leader." This is why I never did well in school. And I don't even regret it!

In other new, this week promises to be a mixture of a ton of stress and a lot of fun. This is my last night at home alone with the Kid. I hope to finish the film Beautiful Creatures; the new one, not the one with Rachel Weisz. And boy, is it terrible. Besides the always amazing Emma Thompson, I have to wonder about my life choices that brought me to the a) read the book and b) watch the film. Jeremy Irons is in it which you would think would save the film... but you would be wrong. I was wrong, very wrong. He is supposed to have a Southern accent and while I think he thinks he has a Southern accent.. he doesn't. It is truly a bad film but I need to finish it. It's become my proverbial (am I using that right?) rare steak from Mommy Dearest.

I will also be picking up my pictures from the photoshoot this afternoon. I am meeting the fabulous Dina Lee at Cafe Wortner at 4:30. I am so excited to see them and then put them away because the chances of me getting out to Ikea to buy some frames are pretty slim. Totally need a trip to that great blue and yellow store soon. I'm running out of tea lights.

And in a couple of days is the Autism Symposium at the AKH. It will be 5 hours and all in German and I imagine by hour 3, I will be exhausted from all the medical lingo that I might just start making up songs. No, I am pretty excited to be going and to have the opportunity to hear professionals speak about this incredibly important topic. I am also pretty excited with how things are progressing with the Autism in Vienna page. And my networking in general. Some people might say I am pushy but I prefer tenacious. It sounds less crazy stalker and more like seasoned networker.

In regards to the Autism in Vienna page, I already have one job search up there and soon I will be posting plans for an upcoming workshop/seminar. I am also looking to organize a concert with some musicians. I was inspired by the actor who noticed a mother and her autistic kid in the audience. The mother had brought her child to a matinee and the child, being autistic, made some noises and the audience acted enraged. The actor, being a good human being, wrote on Facebook that he found the mother brave and shame on the audience and now it has gone viral because I like to believe that people are good for the most part. So long story short, I want to have a concert that autistic children can attend with their parents and nobody will give two flying fucks (excusez moi!) if there is noise. I already have a couple of people who have expressed interest in performing and hopefully by the Spring we will have a venue and a concert set up and I am so excited! Stay tuned for that! So yes, Thursday is the Symposium and I know it will be an awesome thing to attend. I just hope someone hot talks to me. I jest, I jest.

The Halloween party is this Friday! SO MUCH TO DO! Well, actually, not really. Besides cooking and cleaning, I am pretty ready. Last night I tried on my Halloween costume. D- for effort but at least I will be comfortable. Cold, but comfortable. And a little booby. We are expecting over 50 people this year which is pretty epic! I have almost finalized the menu and I will spend most of Friday making beer and wine runs to Billa. This is our big party of the year and I am ready to kick back and enjoy myself. I make it sound like I never get to party and that is a big lie. I'm a poor man's chubby Paris Hilton and I love my life right now! I also manhandled my way into an amazing book launch next month and I am going somewhere super fancy on Sunday. SO EXCITING! Stay tuned for those stories.

So that's it for this morning. I also have some work to finish tonight when I get home. I also have to fix a fake tombstone. The Kid decided to T-rex it and now it looks like it snowed in our apartment. I just hope styrofoam has fiber. Ugh. I wish you an awesome Tuesday and I hope that I will have a chance to do a Halloween film recap soon! Happy Tuesday!


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