A Housewarming Party, A Playdate Brunch and a Mini Potluck

Well, it was a good weekend! I feel like I should have accomplished more but I am happy that is was a relatively tame weekend. And now that means that this week will be all about the hustle. First off, I want to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. It is Canadian Thanksgiving which means us Canadians are actually enjoying the fresh harvest. In October. When the produce is fresh. Heh. I hope that in a couple of years  I can have a Canadian Thanksgiving in the Great White North again but for now, I will just make myself something pumpkiny and feel sorry for myself.

This week is not going to be as packed as I thought in regards to social events and that is a very good thing. I have a lot of side projects to work on as well as e-mails to write and of course last minute planning for the Halloween party. I still haven't finalized my menu which is almost panic attack-inducing. Gah! But I will get there. So let's talk about this weekend.

Friday evening was my friends' housewarming party. They moved into an awesome apartment in the 7th and I came by a little earlier to help provide moral support by drinking their wine. At 8 the people started to show up and it was time to partay. There was a great mix of people and the hostess had done an awesome job! At the beginning I awkwardly stood at the door and shook hands and said "Hi, I'm Tova, Sister Wife." Nobody got the joke so I headed back to the kitchen for another drink.

At one point one of the hosts brought up a friend of his and said "Tova! This guy loves your blog!" and I sat there and preened and thought it was awesome that some guy I didn't know loved my blog. I acted humble and said "Operation Tubetop? Really? Thank you! I am touched!" and then there was a flash of confusion in his eyes and the host interjected and said "No, Vienna Wuerstelstand!" and oh, that is embarrassing. I laughed it off  "Oh ha ha! Yes, jolly good, great online magazine and stuff!" and then said "I write for them sometimes. I'm like a contributor and stuff." and then it was awkward.

As we sat and drank and talked; 2 Americans, a Scotswoman and a Canadian: we eventually ended up on the topic of grocery stores (and I was informed that this conversation needed to go into the blog because I guess now I am taking requests? AWESOME!). As a foreigner in Vienna, you learn pretty quickly that you are not in Kansas anymore. You bring your own bag, you choose your produce, you go up to the line, you then place all your produce on the conveyor belt; heaviest items at the front. The woman at the cash will throw your products over the scanner with such force and speed that you have to be ready on the other side to throw it into your bag. I suggest using a catcher's mitt. And why must you be ready on the other side? Why can't you take your sweet ass time? Because about 10 enraged Austrians are behind you, dry humping you because their products are being thrown at light speed into your pile of stuff AND IT IS ALL SO VERY CHAOTIC!!! One dear friend pointed out that she has a foolproof system and I was impressed. Another friend warned me that Hofer is the worst. I have never been to Hofer so I wouldn't know. Do not judge me for my snob ways.

I didn't drink much or else I accidentally drank non-alcoholic beer because I actually felt alright the next morning.. after 4.5 hours of sleep. Sleep-deprived but alright. I went to Spinning which had seemed like a great idea the day before. The first 10 minutes were touch and go but then I was into it and it felt great at the end. I headed home and took a shower and played with the Kid and then in the afternoon, the new psychology student showed up. She is German and a roommate of Office Twin and the Kid was instantly smitten. Like, let's make the psychology student believe that we withhold affection from our child smitten. Like, she is going to wonder why this autistic kid is maintaining full eye contact with her and wrapping his arms around her non-verbally whispering "Take me home with you. Take me away from this hell hole". So the introduction went well. We will be hiring her for 3 hours a week (one hour sessions) to do some basic word work and play. I am super excited because she is super excited and the only downside is that I probably owe Office Twin something. Gah! I hate being in debt to someone... especially Office Twin.

The rest of the afternoon was spent chilling and chillaxing in my yoga pants. I got a decent night's sleep and then the next morning we had a friend and her two amazing sons over for a playdate. The Kid unfortunately just avoids kids and they play with his toys but the good news was that he sat on the sofa beside them as they all ate their chocolate croissants and I got a picture and it was BIG HUGE EFFING DEAL for us! So thanks B. for having awesome kids! And thanks for drinking mimosas out of the skeleton hand glasses! After brunch, I ran to Aida and picked up some cakes for a potluck. A woman is in town, checking out Vienna and she invited me and some other ladies over to her Air BnB place. It was a great idea and I am a big fan of women hanging out and talking. We are awesome! I could only stay a little while because I had to head back home and my friend on the television. She had been invited to talk about the elections and I think that is super cool and of course I decided to send her really inappropriate texts because that is how I roll.

The results of the election were o.k. Vienna shall remain as is and so after an unhealthy dinner, we put the Kid to bed and vegged on the sofa. I am happy that it was not an insane weekend because I know there are so few non-planned weekends in the next couple of months. There is the Halloween party, and then a small kids Halloween party the following weekend. Then in November there is Feschmarkt and then I am going to a Ball (I can't talk about that yet. I am literally dying to talk about that) and before you know it it will be December! Holy Crapola! So I wish you all a fantastic Monday!


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