Hello Weekend! This Week's Re-cap!

Well it has been a whirlwind of a week! Again. Are you all waiting for the day when I am like "Well, it was a quiet week.", well that is NEVER going to happen! Heh. So I salute you Friday. I would say that it will be a quiet weekend but it won't be. Tonight is a friend's housewarming party and I imagine ridiculously loud Tova will be out to play. Saturday I will go to spinning (I have missed you so much, let's never be apart from each other this long again!), and then in the afternoon we are meeting the psychology student. On Sunday I might be meeting a friend with her sons and the Kid. We will play it by ear and maybe in the afternoon I might drop by a potluck. And of course on Sunday is the election and I am damn nervous about the outcome. If you can vote, please do so!! (And I am not going into more detail because this blog is not political).

Yesterday after work I met a friend to discuss The House of Canada. We planned to meet at Cafe Hawelka around the corner from Stephanslplatz. This cafe is an Vienna institution and a place for students, professionals and apparently every.damn.tourist in the city. When I walked in, it was obviously packed to the gills but luckily they had chairs outside and an awning so I was able to secure a place. There is something intrinsically romantic about sitting outside in the rain (covered of course - I wear a lot of make up, water makes me melt). My friend showed up and we got to work. I ordered a blaufrankish wine and the waiter was pretty darn cute. My friend later told me she overheard him telling customers that he is the grandson of Hawelka and because I am a terrible snob, he suddenly got even more attractive. I AM A TERRIBLE PERSON! He forgot our order and yet was so charming that we didn't really care. And yes I know that the only reason any man flirts with me is for a tip. And that is o.k. because once in a while, we all need to feel pretty. Or rich.

After our veryimportantbusinessmeetingweareincrediblebusinesspeople we headed towards the Stephansplatz Ubahn station but then realized we were smack dab in the FPO rally. This is the right wing party of Austria (I have no words to describe my feelings about this party). There were, of course, protesters and many many many police. We had to take a bit of a detour but made it in the end. I headed home and then a little while later another friend came over to borrow some stuff for the party tonight. We of course had to test the wine she would be serving. Just doing our jobs. The Husband brought the Kid to bed and then my friend headed home and I did some work... badly. I also saw that I had received an e-mail telling me that my registration to the Autism Symposium was approved and I am so super excited. I guarantee there will be an amazing blog post resulting from that event. My surrounded by therapists and doctors? What could possibly go wrong? Heh. It is the day before the Halloween party so of course I will be incredibly stressed but that is my natural resting state.

Next week promises to be busy as well: I am going to see The Tempest on Monday at the Staatsoper and then on Tuesday I have a dinner with two friends who I met at the company I used to work for. On Thursday I am going out for dinner with some girlfriends. We also have therapy for the Kid on Tuesday and Friday and I need to finish up a few more things for the party... by the way, is Clorox bleach? Because I tried to bleach the bejeebus out of a pale yellow nightgown for my Halloween costume and I think I might have given myself brain damage and the kerblasted thing is still yellow. I think it might even be more yellow now? I might have to dye it grey instead and call it a day. I am going as a ghost bride because it is easy and requires very little work. Probably should look into a ghost pre-nup while I am at it.

So I wish you all a fabulous weekend! There will be some more Halloweeny posts coming soon. One of them will sum up the best Halloween episodes on TV shows and of course I need to continue my Fall bucket list! Happy Friday!


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