Why We All Need to Stop Being Bitches

As I age, gracefully, thank you very much, I realize how very important good girlfriends are to my life. A good friend will want to see you succeed, know what you look like without make up (once or twice) and be in your corner no matter what. Good friendships are the key, at least to me, for dealing with crap that comes our way. I mentioned a while ago that I am always proud of my friends' successes, because, really, that is also a reflection on me. I want my friends to be happy because I have enough shit going on in my life. I jest, but happy friends make me happy because that is called friendship. What has been bothering me lately is the absolute Frau versus Frau in the world. We have become our very own worst enemies. So many comments on the interwebs has been giving me the angries lately. When did we become our very own enemy?

Years ago it was RAH RAH I AM LADY, HEAR ME ROAR! Now, look at that cellulite! Da hell happened? When did the sisterhood disappear and turn a generation into cut throat queens of mean? We suddenly pick on things like weight gain. "Tee hee! She got faaaat!" Celebrities gaining weight seems to be on par with someone slapping orphans. The shame! The outrage! Headlines like "CHECK OUT HER POST BABY BODY!" steal front news coverage. Why is this happening?

I wish I could admit that I am somehow above it all, but I am not. My hand moves at the speed of light when I see a headline like that above. Is it voyeurism or maybe just a sick sense of self flagellation when you see Kate Middleton three months after giving birth with a flat stomach that I haven't had since I discovered dancing in booze soaked bars in Moscow? And then shortly thereafter I discovered the pleasure of pizza after a night of drinking and said good bye to a flat stomach. Why was there such an obsession with Kim Kardashian's weight gain during pregnancy? Actually, I can answer that... She's vapid and vain so this seemed like temporary karma. But for real, why are we putting down other women?

I can bet you that 98% of straight men have not once looked at someone as curvy as Nigella Lawson and thought "Wow, thunder thighs." Where do the majority of fat comments come from? From women, as sad as that sounds. Behind the safety of a laptop, millions of women can pick apart someone and blast them for showing a stomach roll. Why? Is it perhaps that physical appearance is the the easiest thing to target? Yes, yes it is. And you know what? I am done. I am so effing done. How did other women become the enemy, media wise? Why are we judging such superficial issues? Is this some elaborate plan to take away my rights as a person? Because it seems to be working.

Judge me for my run-on sentences or the fact that, until recently, I thought carrots grew on trees. Judge me for buying boxed wine because it is easier to open. Judge me for my crush on Eric Roberts. But do not judge me for weight gain or physical appearance or lack of designer labels. We need to, as strong and awesome women, change the trend of "other women shaming". Women have fought too long and hard for us to go back and shame someone for not looking like a super model after giving birth a few days earlier. We need to stop pushing each other down and instead, starting pulling each other up. Be a woman and help your fellow woman. We are so much better than this. Let your girlfriends know that you are their Kato to  their Clouseau. It's time.


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