How to Host a Party for a lot of People

Who I aspire to be, but without the guns and alcohol dependency and failed relationships.
I love hosting large parties and feeding all my guests. I think I might have been an Italian grandma in my past life. "Eat! Eat!" Food is love, my friends. I like to make sure that my guests get a little blottoed before eating my food because my food always tastes better after some booze. True story.

Now, if you are hosting a large party (not dinner party), you don't have to be an idiot like me and make a ton of food. Finger foods are totally fine but just remember, if you are serving a lot of booze at a kid free event and people don't eat, house pets can end up impregnated. True story.

I always overcook but I figure that too much food is better than too little food. Here are some tips for cooking for 30 people and of course, tips on how to be a chillaxed host with the most. And I'm not going to brag... oh yes, yes, I am, I am a chillaxed host.

Plan, plan, plan: If you do not have lists and a timetable, you will cry. I plan the meal about 2 weeks in advance and then I write up a grocery list. This year it took me two days to cook everything. The key is to manage your time. For example, I made the lasagna and spinach dip on Friday since that takes a lot of prep. I cooked both dishes and then put them in the fridge. On Saturday I made the rest of the dishes. I also write up a timetable for when I need to put certain things in the oven or, for example, when to start making the pasta. I dream of a day when our oven is larger. It is a beautiful dream.

Keep it simple: I try to make foods that can be heated up and foods that can be made in the morning so that I am not scrambling when it is party time. Anything that is too complicated will cause me to have an aneurysm. The food should not take too much time to make or require constant vigilance. No baked Alaska at my parties.

Invest in a crockpot: I love my crockpot for everyday use and I love my crockpot for parties. It provides a dish that doesn't take up oven or element space. You can throw a bunch of ingredients inside and leave it for 8-10 hours and voila, done-o and delish! I love you, crockpot. Tajines (Moroccan old school crockpot) are also great too. My mother bought me 2 and they are great for keeping food warm.

Supply good quality plastic plates: This is important. Less chance of them folding up into a useless sodden paper mess because of all the saucy goodness.

Buy a lot of paper towels: People make messes. It happens.

Grin and bear it: People make messes. It happens. If you can't handle the mess, don't host a party. Don't make a big deal if someone spills because that's life. Do: Grab some paper towels and soak up the mess quickly and quietly. Don't: Yell "THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS!!!" and then proceed to take out carpet cleaner and start scrubbing and sobbing. If you have a rug that you want to keep pristine, roll it up and hide it.

Be honest: People are going to (hopefully) ooh and aah over what you are providing. It's always nice to hear "You must have been cooking for days!" and while it might be tempting to shrug and say "No, just a couple of hours" and look all smug and superior, don't. But also, don't be a martyr. "Cooking for days?!?! Try weeks! I am exhausted, I am about to lose everything I love and hold dear to make this food for you all! Have some more lasagna." Nothing goes with a side of guilt, not even Ranch dressing.

Write up a post-mortem: I did this for the first time this year. I bought a notebook and wrote down who attended (you are all invited again next year), what I made and what were the big hits. I should have been doing this for years. But now, when it is time to host again, I can look back and say; "hmm, lasagna, Thai curry and fajitas were the winners. Good to know." and then I can ignore that and try some crazy experimental dish that requires yak milk and 16 hours of constant stirring because that's how I roll.

I actually am really looking forward to next year. I feel like I have graduated to the next level of hosting. I am finally the tubby Martha Stewart I have always wanted to be, and it is, a very good thing.

When we finally meet, and we will meet, the universe will implode.


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