The Addams Family

YAAAAAAAY! Do you hear what I hear? That's right my little goblins, October 1st! Bring out the Halloween wreath, deck the halls with blood, drink red wine out of skull glasses! Hollah! I can now officially celebrate because my meeting with the daycare is over. It went alright. She didn't blame me for working and in fact she thanked us for meeting with her and trying to help find a solution... He might be suffering from ADHD and she actually thinks he might be quite gifted. I'll take gifted for 200 Alec. Of course he's gifted. I'm his mother. Have you seen what I can do with a glue gun? I am lightening the mood because no parent wants to hear that their child is "different" and apparently he is. So over the next few weeks we will be making an appointment at a diagnostic centre and having him appraised. And you know what, that's o.k. We'll get through this and as he graduates with his doctorate from Harvard and thanks me for all the hard work I put in to make him the man he is, I will be wearing a lovely little pearl necklace, a Chanel suit in pastel pink and satin slingbacks... oh wait, what was I talking about? So yes, my heart is a little broken, but at the same time, I know he will turn out just fine...

On to fun stuff! Now, I have had long and lengthy discussions with a friend about the awesomeness of the Addams Family. I think when I was about 5, visiting my grandparents, the show came on one afternoon. This one pictured below.

I just about lost my everloving mind. I was so into witchy, dark stuff even at the tender age of 5 and all I could think was "What the hell?! Why didn't anybody tell me about this?!!" I loved to wear black so much that I considered turning Amish. I am so not making this up. The hats, awesome. My dad knew about the show and I felt betrayed that he hadn't bought VHS upon VHS and played it on loop. Dear lord, this show had everything. This family was rich! I drew Morticia's dress as often as I could and I truly believed that as an adult, my life would be an episode of the Addams family. Perfection. Then, in 1991, they made the film. Starring Raul Julia (may you rest in peace you incredible man) and Angelica Houston, the film was incredible and I vowed that if I ever had a daughter, I would name her Wednesday. That film made me so very very happy.

Then in 1993, they made another film which I adored just as much and maybe even more. And it starred Joan Cusack. You put Joan Cusack in anything and I will watch it. Debbie, Deeee...bbbiiiie.

I still love these films and every Halloween season I watch them - they really don't age.

Over the next couple of weeks I will write about the awesomeness of these films, but for now, lemme talk about the family of all families.

Countless blogs and articles have been written about the Addams Family and how they truly are an example of a perfect family and so, yes, I will stand on the shoulders of other writers and scream from the rooftops about how much I think this family rocks the Kazbah. And here are the reasons:

Their house: their house, while a little dusty, is prime Victorian real estate my friends. It has a winter garden, it's own cemetery, attic storage space, countless rooms and is placed way above flood waters. It is a mansion and not a McMansion. Great investment.

The way they treat their staff: Lurch is their driver, butler, housekeeper, nanny and you know what, he's family. That guy is happy. He plays the piano. I bet he's paid well too. And Thing, that guy is the happiest little hand in the world. You know he gets ladies all the time. Least selfish lover ever. I bet Gomez is a huge tipper as well.

Great and supportive parents: They love their kids. They embrace their children and encourage them to be creative and to explore. They read them bedtime stories and actually listen to their problems and you know that Morticia, if she truly had to, would attend soccer games and bring snackpacks. Snackpacks with peanuts and gluten. Cause that's how she rolls.

An amazing marriage: Gomez and Morticia have got it going on. I mean, this man adores his wife, finds her beautiful and lets her run the show. Total infatuation. You know they have date nights. I need to model my marriage after them. Note to self: wear tight black dress, lose weight, develop anemia, learn more French.

Sigh, I love the Addams Family and so should you. Fun fact: originally Pugsley was going to be named Pubert in the series on TV but the censors were all like "hell no" so they changed it to Pugsley. But the best part is that the third child was finally named Pubert in the film. That makes me happy.

Happy October 1 everybody!!!


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