Friday Wrap-up

Wowzers! Long week! Kind of emotional, too. I did not hit the gym this week due to my body saying "screw you". When I get emotional, my arms fall off. Even though I am an extrovert (I know, shocking, right?), when I am overwhelmed, I turtle. I turn into myself and get a little quieter. Sure, I'll bitch about it, but for the most part I won't deal with the issue. Good thing I am seeing the child therapist this afternoon, she'll sort me out. And I have a decent bottle of wine at home waiting for me. It sits on the counter, looking at the clock, awaiting the tender moment when I shout at the Husband "Can you open that damn bottle already?" Bless.

Speaking of yelling at the Husband, last night we got into an argument. It is one of those arguments that is so incredibly stupid and when you are in it, you know how inane it is but you've gone too far to lose face so you ride it out and cite things from "Wikipedia". Fight of the night? Percentage of Americans with a university degree versus Austrians. Stupid thing to fight about, yes? And yes, I was right, but he doesn't agree with my sources so I do the mature thing and ignore him for the rest of the evening. I am still annoyed this morning and I ain't backing down. Aw, mawwiage.

On Saturday we are meeting up with the Husband's extended family. His cousin has a 2 year old as well so it will be all American Gladiator between the grandparental units. Language skills? The other kid will win. Awesomeness and shear force of will? My kid will win. I should bring a helmet for him.

The rest of the weekend will be spent sorting out Halloween decorations and cutting out another bazillion bats. Yesterday morning the Husband caught me on a footstool adding fake blood to our calendar. I can't wait to get started!

Since Saturday morning is the only time I will have to shop this whole weekend, I need to be fast and efficient. On my list is:

- A suit for the Kid's class picture. Yes, he needs to suit up. I have a very small window of time until he vetoes all my fashion choices.
- Fake blood, lots.
- More black pillow cases. I was only allowed to buy 3 at Ikea because the Husband didn't buy my whole "It's an investment for all future Halloweens..."
- Black tulle to make bows for the dining room chairs
- Vodka. Why not?

Since I have Monday off, I will be in Halloween heaven, running up and down the ladder, using rolls upon rolls of masking tape and of course playing Halloween movies in the background. Top of the list? Hocus Pocus! YES! And so, stay tuned for my next post... Will Tova win the incredibly dumb argument? Will she again get fake blood in her eye (October 2007)? Will her husband buy her flowers because it is just easier to concede? Will she consume her weight in cheese? Happy Friday!

p.s. Thank you everybody for reading and commenting! It makes my day! I am incredibly averaging about 80 views a day - up from about 35 - so a big big thank you! You make it all worth it!


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