What I'm Eating This Week

Yesterday I mentioned that I need to get back onto some good, clean eating. Emotional stress has led me to pack on the pounds and it doesn't feel good. But now that the Halloween party is vorbei, I am ready to detox, kind of. I wanted to go to the gym this morning but due to daylight savings time, the Kid was wide awake by the time I would have headed out so that was a no-go. Nobody with a toddler enjoys the seasonal time change... NOBODY!

So here is a menu for this week. I can't wait to feel better and not graze all day long. It has been a rough month for my waistline and chins. Lunches and breakfasts will involve yoghurts and rice crackers.

Monday: Soup and chicken fajita wrap
Tuesday: Curry and rice
Wednesday: Salad and chik patties with an English muffin
Thursday: Dinner out
Friday: French dip in the crockpot and salad
Saturday: Crockpot thai curry
Sunday: Veggie wrap from McDonalds

I hope that I can hit the gym at least once this week. It's up to you Kid, make it happen. At least I will be transporting him 2-3 times to the daycare and because he is spoiled, he demands to be carried up the steps. And when I wear heels, this becomes a full body workout.

I can't wait until Thursday, Halloween. I am heading to a friend's for dinner and we are watching scary stuff (Tova-appropriate so not too bloody, I hope). I figure a chilled night with friends is just what the doctor ordered.

On Wednesday morning, the Husband will be at home to meet with the psychotherapist for the Kid. The Kid will not doubt turn into Rainman since he will have an audience. Wednesday afternoon I have a meeting with someone about something that might be turning into something interesting and if it pans out, you will hear about it.

Otherwise I am looking forward to a relaxing week while my stomach yells at me for not consuming the fun-sized chocolate bars sitting in our kitchen. I shall resist you, you bastards! I am strong!

Happy Monday!


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