Insomnia and Pumpkin Carving

I've been up since 3:30. The Kid woke me up and wanted milk. It doesn't happen often, and we try to let him cry it out but it is impossible. He can kvetch non-stop for over an hour. It has this pitch that just sends shivers up and down your spine. Nails on a chalkboard, police siren, pain inducing wail that is too legit to quit.

After I gave him the milk, I went back to bed and lo and behold I couldn't fall back asleep. I channel flipped until I came upon Match Point starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Scarlett Johanson. I saw this film years ago and absolutely loved it, and you know, I still think it is an awesome film. Thanks a lot good film, can't go back to sleep because of all the thinking. Thanks. Argh! After the film ended, I got out of bed and now, here I am at 6 a.m. on a Sunday morning. Dammit!

Yesterday was a low key day. I'm under the weather because the Kid sneezed directly in my face on Thursday. I just hope it passes quickly. Yesterday morning I had the enlightened idea to buy a pumpkin to carve. I had visions of the Kid and I sitting on the floor, scooping out pumpkin flesh and laughing. So I put on a bra and walked to the corner grocery store to buy a pumpkin. They actually were selling pumpkins for jack o' lanterns so I paid way too much for one the size of my head. I smugly headed home with the pumpkin and presented it to the Kid. He seemed pretty excited upon seeing it. I think initially he thought it was a ball. He sat in front of his stories and had one hand on the pumpkin. Then he carried it around for a minute. And then he abandoned it.

After his nap and after the Husband headed out to meet up with his sister (the Husband does not do things that involve getting his hands dirty. The list involves pumpkin gut scooping), I took the pumpkin into the kitchen and started to cut a hole in the top. The Kid walked in, took a look at the knife and his new friend, the pumpkin, and slowly backed out. I was about to say "It's cuz he didn't put away his damn choo choo!" but I feel I have damaged him enough this year.

After lobotomizing Mr. Pumpkin, I brought him into the living room and placed him on some newspapers. I assumed at that point that the Kid would be all up in my business but no, he completely ignored me. He did flinch when I passed him some pumpkin stringy bits, but otherwise he showed no interest. Or else he was grieving, who knows. I spent 20 minutes dry heaving (I hate the feel of pumpkin flesh) while at the same time trying to get the Kid involved. My Norman Rockwell moment was not meant to be. Dammit!

But I did get a ton of seeds which I roasted. Look at me Martha, I used the whole animal!

And then I went back into the kitchen and created this face.

It's old school, it's authentic. It's something I can pretend a 2 year old designed. But I can't because the 2 year old had no part of this process. I sprayed the pumpkin down with lysol to help it last longer and then I got paranoid that it would turn into a firebomb if I placed a tea light in it so I waited for the Husband to come home and do it. I told him he had longer arms so it would be easier to place the tealight inside. I held a glass of water and stood a few feet back. It worked. All is well.

And so, on this dark, so damn early Sunday morning, I drink my sugar free Red Bull and look forward to a noon nap. So very very tired.


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