Throwback Thursday - Scenes from Films that Scared the Crap out of Me

Back in the 80s, kids were subjected to a couple of things in films; gratuitous boobies and horror films. To this day I cannot handle needles thanks to Freddy Krueger. And don't get me started on tongues. I guess there was a different type of censorship or maybe our parents didn't really care what we watched. Case in point; Jaws. Every time I get into any body of water, I seize up a little. I don't think I am the only one - my generation was royally screwed thanks to Steven Spielberg when it comes to open bodies of water. But conquering my fear of sharks was manageable; either I wouldn't swim or I would send someone bigger than me in first. Thanks Dad!

But there will always be scenes in films from my childhood which will have me reaching for a blanket or a Xanax. So come with me this chilly October morning and relive my most terrifying moments from films.

I kind of always like to think of this film as more of Christmas film. It was so truly epic, the cast was amazing and the humor, awesome. There were a few scenes that to this day make me break into a cold sweat.

The Beginning Library Scene:
This was terrifying. When the those cards started flying out, I started crying. To this day, abandoned libraries are a no go. NO GO! TOVA NO GO TO EMPTY LIBRARY! NO!

That terror dog of Zuul. He needed to be put down and I am an animal lover. Every time I open the fridge, a part of me dies. Eggs on the counter? Oh God no!!

But probably the worst possible scene was the couch scene. That was the stuff of nightmares. Our couch has no removable cushions, there's a reason for that.

Batman Returns:
Penguin biting that guy's nose. No. Bad penguin! BAD! (can't find a shot of the attack, just the aftermath. Well hello there Mr. Walken. I do have a sick and perverted crush on you)

Neverending Story:
That wolf. That terrible wolf. Let's not talk about the horse, though. That pain still cuts deep.

And that soundtrack. The stuff of nightmares.

Return to Oz:
I cannot for the life of me remember which friend showed me this film. I believe I was around 9 or 10 and I just about lost all control of my bowels. Wizard of Oz? Not bad. Return to Oz? Return theeself to the depths of Hell!!! I honestly can't remember the plot but there are two things that have stuck with me to this day.

That Queen. She had different heads; heads lining a gallery and she would pick and choose which ones to put on. Self esteem issues? Probably. But to a young girl, that crap was terrifying.

And quite possibly the most nightmare inducing characters of all time... The Wheelies. Kill me now. Their hands were wheels. Wheel hands. Tricycles to this day make me twitch.

I am sure that there are more scenes out there that I have hidden deep in my subconscious... What are some scenes that scared the complete crap out of you? Happy Throwback Thursday!


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