Friday Wrap-up

Woot! Friday! It has been once again an emotional week. The Kid continues to hack up a lung but at least he is in good spirits. I love living here but for the love of God, please work on your cough syrup. When I was in the hospital for my c-section, I had a terrible cough. Every time I coughed it kind of felt like I was being ripped in two. Fun fun. So I went to the nurses' station and asked for some cough syrup. The nurse (the nurses at the hospital were all kinds of awesome, they got a gift basket when I left. The baby nurses? Not so much. The doctors? I will hunt them down.) looked in the medicine cabinet, look annoyed and then turned to me and said "I'm so sorry, we don't have the herbal stuff right now, just the actual medicinal cough syrup". I don't think she expected my paw to grab that bottle as fast as I did. I mean, I think there is a lot to be said for homeopathy, like wine and stuff, but please, give me the chemicals. My mind is not powerful enough to convince myself that a little bit of vitamin C will stop a cold dead in its tracks. Anyway. Moving on.
We need a kid version, like, stat.

I also wanted to thank everyone for the messages of support earlier this week. It meant the world to me and I won't forget it. And thank you all for the close to 600 views I received on the blog this week. Thanks for reading and sharing (irony?) my posts. Thank you.

Last night was date night. The Husband wouldn't tell me where we were going. I joked to a friend that the Husband was probably taking me to a divorce lawyer under the guise of going out for dinner. Kind of like how people tell their dogs they are going to the park to get them to go to the vet. "Park! Park! Wait a second.....This isn't the park," We met and then started to walk and I was super obnoxious by asking every 30 seconds "Are we going here? Are we going there? Is this the place?" We got close to Vapiano and I died a little inside. Now don't get me wrong, the place is fine (for those that haven't heard of it, it is a chain of restaurants that is kind of like a nice cafeteria. You order a pizza at the counter and then they give you a timer and it goes off when it is done and you have to go and pick it up. This is not a good method for me because I will literally push babies out of the way to get to my pizza. They serve pasta, too. But that isn't an option.), but I really wasn't in the mood to have to go get my food. Luckily we kept walking. Yay! And I continued asking "Are we going here? Are we going there? Is this the place?".

After about 5 more minutes of walking and the Husband tuning me out, we arrived at Shanghai Tan! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I did the jumping up and down hand clapping thing. Shanghai Tan, thanks to a dear friend's recommendation last year, is where I took the Husband for our 11 years together and loving it anniversary. It is so funky inside and the food is good and ach, I just really really like it. And it meant a lot to me that the Husband did not take me to a Kebab stand. Not that he would, but still, there is always a fear. The decor is Bangkok brothel opium den and it feels so decadent and I love it. We had a great couple of hours talking and eating and then we took a little walk and headed home. I was very happy. Thank you Husband, you made my week.
If I could get away with doing this to our bedroom, I totally would.

Electricity bill? Not so great, actually.

So that is the Friday wrap-up. The weekend is upon us and I will spend it re-taping bats to ceilings and planning a menu. Hopefully the Kid will feel better soon so we can take a Sunday walk. I will make matzoh ball soup tomorrow because it truly, cures all. Happy Friday!


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