The Past Couple of Days

It has been such a busy couple of days. Work has been nuts and I had a meeting with another child therapist yesterday. The taxi ride there was fun. The taxi driver was outraged by the "letter" as well. I swear, this letter is getting me mileage and building me an army. The therapist's office is up in the vineyards, actually very close to my old alma mater high school. The taxi driver had never been up there and decided to trust his GPS or as they call it here, NAVI. Of course the NAVI is an asshole and took us into the actual vineyards where we got stuck. Luckily I had planned enough time to make it to the therapist's because when you live in Vienna, you have to account for a) traffic and b) getting stuck in vineyards.
Does this look like a street to you, NAVI?
I made it just in time, had a good chat and then headed to work. The day flew by! But I am so incredibly angry now. Last night, while we were at home, some douche stole my ceramic pumpkin from outside our door. I am so upset because I have had this pumpkin since I moved here and it is kind of like the first Robin of spring but in my case, it heralds Fall. It was right in front of our door and no, it wasn't accidentally broken. Unless the pumpkin comes back glittered and awesome, I will be on the look out for it. This just makes me so mad. I spent 30 minutes pacing and asking the Husband what "douche" is in German. He doesn't know. Ugh! I feel so pissed off!

Did not get a good night's sleep. The Kid woke up at midnight and wanted another bottle of milk. I said "No, go to sleep". And this went on for 2 hours. Every 10 minutes I would start to doze off and then be awakened by the Kid body slamming against his crib and yelling "Meh! Meh! Meh!". (not an expression of lack of excitement, but rather his word for "milk"). The Husband was like, "just give him milk" and I was all "WE DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS!" At one point I walked into the Kid's room and declared "If you do not go to sleep now, I will quit my job and homeschool you. I MEAN IT!". And while some people excel at homeschool, my syllabus would involve Pinterest and making fake Gucci wallets. Awesome? Yes. Practical? No. After 2 hours, I finally broke down and gave him his goddamn milk. The force is strong in that one.The terrorists win.

Class picture of the Kid

So, I have just a couple more days until showtime. Thank you Jeebus that Friday is an official work holiday. In other news, I can't believe Kanye and Kim are engaged. I posted yesterday on FB that I think there is something whack with society that this engagement is lauded and yet, gay couples can't tie the knot. Makes me angry. But maybe Kim has finally found true love... oh ha ha ha.. She has no soul, ergo this is not love, this is a business arrangement. Stay tuned for my scathing post on my dislike of all things Kardashian. Blood pressure rising.

How about y'all disappear for, like, forever


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