Friday Wrap Up

Well, what an uneventful week. Ha. Ha. What a week! Worst week ever. Terrible week... but you know what? It is Friday and I am looking forward to the weekend. I had an incredible evening with the Kid. He fell asleep the minute I put him to bed. It might have been due to the 20 minute tickle attack. Oh how he laughed. He slept through the night. So did I - the wine helped. I got up at 5 and then read some more amazing messages from good people and then made my way to the gym. I was a little tired so I only stuck to the bike and read some Jen Lancaster and snorted to myself and let the Zweigelt leave my body through sweat. Pleasant visual there. You are welcome.

After my 30 minute workout, I went home and showered and then woke the Kid up. Well, our Christmas bear Stan woke the Kid up. Long story. Then we played with his trains and I got him dressed and then said to the Husband "I assume you will be taking him to daycare?" to which the Husband said "I thought it was your tuuu... Yes, yes I am"

I am so happy to be in a better mindset. I'm still not at my normal level of happy but I will get there. The Husband is relieved too. I think we need a quiet and Christmassy weekend filled with cookie making, the Muppet Christmas Carol and tree decorating. Tree decorating will happen sans kid so that when he wakes up in the morning, he will be all like "Wooow" and then he will knock that shit over. And I will drink eggnog and yell about tinsel distribution. Making memories!

I need to check our lights tonight. I bought even more LED coloured lights and this tree is so going to jack up our energy bill. Huzzah! Christmas. I also want to make the Kid a stocking but that might have to wait for another weekend. We bought a new white tree this year... because someone, who shall remain unnamed (the Husband) lost one of the tree holdy things from our first white Christmas tree. We chucked the old one a couple of months ago and in a way that's a good thing because I may or may not have destroyed the box it came in. I was so excited when it had first arrived that I ripped the box to shreds and didn't think that we could re-use the box after Christmas. The Husband came home and I blamed the Kid who was about 9 months old at the time. Didn't work. Then I had to put the stupid box together with duct tape. And my nail polish got all verkakt. And then I think we argued. The memory is fuzzy.

And so, I wish you all a good weekend. Thank you again for all of your amazing support! I'm looking forward to the future and I think it will be bright! Happy Friday!

Quick Stats:

Gym visits: 4
Loads of laundry: 4
Being told that the Kid seems to have autism: 1
Times I cried: Too many to count
Seeing incredible acts of kindness: Too many to count
Singing along to Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas": 5, and each time I was ashamed


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