Friday Wrap up

HELLOOOO FRIDAY! I am so excited that this week is coming to an end. It was a difficult week but at least I got to sign my contract and maybe some of the extreme angst I have will lift. The problem is is that I internalize stress and anger and hurt and then I eat and then I get the sads and then I eat and then I get the fats and then I am sad again. But hopefully, things will start to look up because it is about damn time. And I have a feeling things will.

So end of week stats:

Gym visits: 3

Daycare runs: 3

Compliments on new hair style: 5

Calories consumed: Oh, I'm sorry, I can't type the numbers through all the self-hating sobbing

Number of times I thought to myself how lucky I am to have an incredible child: Too many to count

Number of times I kicked the Husband to give the Kid milk at 4:30 in the morning: 5 (and apparently if I repeat "It is 4:30" three times while kicking the Husband, I will make him angry)

Ripped crotch in pants: 1

Blood tests: 1

Vow to start low carbing again next week: a bajillion

Forgotten smoothie in Kid's stroller: 1

Purchase of cheapy cars for child bribing purposes: 5

Number of times the Husband said "Your test results will be fine" to which I yelled "YOU DON'T KNOW MY BLOOD!": too many times to count

Number of Christmas DVDs purchased: 3

Number of Halloween magazines purchased that I have stored and will not even crack open until October 1st 2014: 2

Crockpot used: 1

Purchase of a Michael Buble Christmas CD because my Christmas will be the ultimate cheese-fest: 1

Numbers of times my blog was viewed this week: approximately 500 (thank you, thank you, thank you)

And, since I wrote the stats early this morning before my doctor visit to review my test results...Now I can add...

Clean bill of health: 1

And so, now I can stop with the heart palpitations and truly enjoy my weekend. I realize how incredibly lucky I truly am. And this visit to the doctor is a huge relief and was a huge hurdle for me to overcome. I haven't been this stressed out in a very long time. I guess that's why she hugged me after my check up. There may have been some tears.

Happy Friday!


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