Friday Wrap Up

I've been sick... waaah. Pity party. As I have mentioned a billion times, I hate being sick because I feel lazy. I feel like there are so many things I should be doing and it ticks me off. Wednesday afternoon my lip started throbbing and that told me a cold sore was coming. Then my throat started to hurt and I knew a cold was coming. And then Wednesday in the middle of the night, my stomach started doing the Macarena and I knew a flu was coming. In the morning when I got up, the Husband looked at me and physically flinched. Thanks, guy. Why don't you stay out of the toilet for a little while. It's like Amityville Horror. And then I waved the white flag and took the day off. When you have a kid, being sick can't happen. Thank God for daycare. The Husband had an early meeting so I had to take the Kid. We made it, I dropped him off, I stopped at the grocery store, bought food and threw a bunch of ingredients into the crockpot and made Tom Kha Gai soup. Then I passed out. Then I ate soup. Then I passed out. Then the Nanny was on her way to our place so I hid in the bedroom and watched Modern Family for the first time ever and I am in love. I have heard about this show for years. My mom has watched it. Friends have watched it. I'm sure the Pope has watched it. One friend kept telling me that I had to watch it... And I did and she was right. It is such a good show.

I went to bed at 9 and woke up at 7 and still felt destroyed. So the Husband, bless his heart, took the Kid to daycare and I slept again on the couch. Then I woke up and ate and then slept some more. The Husband came home from work and I sniffled and said "can we turn on the heat, please..." And he did and then he went to get groceries and I ran around the apartment blowing out scented candles because it seemed just a little too convenient that he left just after putting on the gas. (When it comes to gas and technical stuff at home, it kind of is like this)

When he came home I said "Ha! I lived!" and then I sat down and thought that maybe I should cut back on the hot drugged drinks that have been giving me hallucinations the last two days. The pharmacy was out of Neo Citran so the pharmacist gave me other stuff and this other stuff is making me all paranoid and weird. The Husband also decided to put new batteries into a couple of the Kids toys and I screamed at him to make sure the toy was "off" and why oh why was he using a metal screwdriver and he was going to electrocute us all. He made me go back to bed. But joke's on him, I smuggled in the laptop. Ha ha. He is now picking up the Kid and the Inlaws and that gives me some time to smack at imaginary bugs and wonder how I'd look with the "Rachel" haircut. Sigh. I need to get clean. No more of this Neo Citran imposter. Sleep tight...


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