Living like a housewife

Living like a housewife

I took the day off today because I had some extra time and I needed a little time off. Since I didn’t get a workout in on Tuesday morning, I ended up going twice. A little excessive? Yes, you could say so. I hurt a lot tonight but it will be worth it. I really enjoyed the day and remembered what it was like to stay at home and yes, I kinda missed it. I like working, no joke but now with the kid around, I miss him like all sorts of crazy.

I would have gone shopping for some clothes but I feel like I need to hold off until some more weight drops off and then I can get all crazy with my wardrobe choices. So how does a Housewife dress? Here’s a great site that shows where you can get some of the outfits worn on Bravo’s series. I think this is a super cool idea.

I am also aiming to make a couple of dresses for the summer and what I wear on the weekends is very very different from what I wear to work. I am quite a conservative dresser during the week and since having the kid, I try and keep the ta tas covered (most of the time). Stay tuned for dresses I will start to make in July, when I have time, in July, when I'm off in July...woot woot!!! Free in July!


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