Battling Demons

As I come to the end of week 3, I have realised that while I might be eating a lot better, I have still not conquered my bad eating habits. I have always struggled with my weight and slight eating disorder. I am prone to binging (especially on the weekends) and it is a daily struggle to rise above it. I am a lot better than I used to be but every now and then I become ravenous. I hate using the term "binge" because based on what I have read, a binge is often a million times worse than what I do: I tend to overeat and then I feel guilty and overeat some more (but yes, perhaps this is binging, too). It is a cycle that I am slowly overcoming. A couple of books that I have read recently have helped put my eating into perspective and I thought I would share them with you...

Brain over Binge by Kathryn Hansen - this book is actually pretty great. She describes her theory behind binges and how she overcame it. I truly recommend this book if you feel that you have a history of binging.

Naturally Thin by Bethenny Frankel- oh yes, another Real Housewife.. I am a little obsessed with this franchise (thank you Andy Cohen, I want to be you when I grow up). The book has some really good points- some are a little unrealistic but for the most part it is common sense written in a quirky manner. It won't change your life but there are some valid suggestions that I have started implementing into my daily eating habits.

I want to finally get off the diet cycle and embrace normal eating. And now is really the time because of my son. I didn't mean for this post to be so serious but I thought it was important to blog about what my history with food has been. And how I am now approaching eating with less guilt and no fad diets. But enough of all this uncomfortable openness. Stay tuned for wacky fun posts coming up - I can't ever stay serious too long...


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