Lip Plumper Review

Product Review - Lip Fusion

A friend gave me an gift certficate so I decided to buy something completely unrelated from books and which would cost a fortune to ship from the States. And since I was in such an OC housewife mood, I purchased a limp plumper.

I have a small upper lip and since I am not a man, growing a stache is not an option, well, at least not until I am in my 80’s and yelling “Eff you all!” to small children passing by my porch. But I digress. I have hated my upper lip for years and people like Angelina Jolie just make me feel worse about that line up there that poses as a lip. And I guess it is time to let go of the Team Aniston banner I’ve been waving all these years. So many things to do! But anyway, my lip is constantly on the search for a plumper that actually works so that I too can stop staring at myself doing the “duckface”. So anyway, I received Lip Fusion in Rhinestone and having no patience, I whipped it out and applied it immediately. Tingling started, then some numbness and well, I’ll be, there is a bit of a lump and plump.

I am not sure if I am imagining it or not but I truly think this stuff works. I think I might have actually found something that plumps my lips that does not involve allergic reactions. I hate you green peppers. Red and yellow, you be fine. So I give a passing grade to Lip Fusion...


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