Budget Beauty Regime

Budget Beauty Regime

As I mentioned back in a post, I need to find ways to keep the costs down. And I have decided that Sunday evenings are the perfect time to implement my weekly facials. So the other night after the child went to bed, I mixed the baking soda with the water and rubbed my face for few minutes (circular rubbing, paired with the soothing sounds of drag racing and the Husband yelling “You have to see this! The cars have parachutes!”) Wash of baking soda and don’t miss that space near your eye lest you think you have an eye infection and that is crusty stuff (true story). Dry your face and notice some difference?

After the poor man’s microdermabrasion, I moved on to the Aspirin facial. After washing that off, my face looked good (tight and shiny).

I then coated my face and decollete with coconut oil and headed to bed saying I had a headache or something.

My face does feel softer. I have to make sure to do the above routine at least once or twice a week. If not, planets will explode!

Just 10 more weeks to go!!


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