Dis and Dat

A rainy day. Yay! I know all you summer lovers are grinding your teeth and thinking "BLASPHEMY!" but come on, this was an insane summer. It's been nice not having the incessant grumble of our one air conditioning unit. And it is damn cozy which is another natural state for me; fuzzy robe, tea, smug look of an L.L Bean model, etc. Today's post is just a bit of dis and dat because I haven't done anything in the last 24 hours to cause any international incidents. I'm obviously off my A game.

The Kid: Well, he has been pretty good this summer. Save for some crappy nights and a couple of tantrums. Yesterday when I got home, the Nanny informed me that he had had an epic freak out and that broke my heart. But he was absolutely adorable the whole evening which made up for it. He did, however, have a nap earlier in the day so he did not fall asleep until 10. But at least he fell asleep in his bed. There were a couple of breaks for freedom but otherwise I feel like we have conquered the "Fall asleep in your own damn bed" thing... but still need to conquer "Do not sneak into our damn bed in the middle of the night" thing. Baby steps. Today I am contacting a therapist because I want to up the therapy sessions and really get focused. We have been pretty lax this summer but now it is go time. Boy, is he going to haaaate me.

The Girl on the Train: When I finished Gone Girl, I was kind of sad. It was such a button presser that I suddenly didn't know what else I could read that would make me ignore my family like I did when I read Gone Girl. Luckily The Girl on the Train was suggested and I downloaded it ASAP. But, I won't lie, I had a really hard time getting sucked into it at first. Some parts were gripping and then other times I wanted to yell at the main character and tell her to STAHP! JUST STAHP! There was a bit of a cringe factor that made me uncomfortable but I guess that is what we call "good writing". It wasn't until the end that suddenly I found that I could not put it down. Yesterday I had a little time before I had to be home so I stopped in a cafe to finish the book and eu mah gawd. I kept looking up to see if anyone would notice the absolute shock on my face as I pressed the button wildly every other minute. When it ended, I slumped back in my seat, amazed. Well done book, well done.

My creepy crushes: As I mentioned the other day, I have a problem: I crush on movie creeps. Joaquin Phoenix in Gladiator? Yup. Sean Bean in Golden Eye? Yup. Eric Roberts in the Mask? Damn straight. Alan Rickman in Robin Hood? Of course. The Phantom in the Phantom of the Opera? Sign me up. It's a serious issue. But there is something about the creepiness that appeals to me. And the fact that they all have well paying jobs/positions: emperor, mafia boss, sheriff of Nottingham, killer living in the Opera house (ok, ok, not a real job but: prime real estate right there and he owns a tux.) So apparently poor psychopaths are not my thing. I showed Office Twin a picture of my latest villain crush: Lane from Mission Impossible and he said "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! HE HAS A FISH MOUTH!" to which I sniffed in response "But he is rich and looks nice in a turtleneck." Maybe deep down I think I can change these villains. Make them give up all the killing and then buy me a nice house on the Cote D'Azur, an apartment in Paris, a penthouse in New York, a condo in Miami, a villa in Vienna and a nice dinner out at a medium-priced restaurant. A girl can dream.
So honey, on Friday we are having dinner with the Kents and then we have to stop at Costco to pick up some pies for the BBQ on Sunday. Maybe don't bring your henchmen unless they bring food.. it's a potluck.

The dancers: I wrote about this on Facebook yesterday... At around 6 last night I spied a woman in our park, standing in the bushes, dancing by herself with no music. It was weird and I stared and then I shrugged and moved on. An hour later, I noticed a different woman in the park field, heavily pregnant and dancing in the rain in a similar style to the other woman in the bushes. Again, no music and nobody else dancing. So odd. And, ok, maybe I get the pregnant woman because the heat has finally broken but the lady dancing in the bushes? No. I tried to see if there is some August 17th pagan holiday that I am not aware of but there appears to be nothing that would point to dancing by oneself in a park. Or maybe yesterday was National Kate Bush Wuthering Heights Appreciation Day. Great song, by the way, one of my faves. Total mystery about the dancing ladies, though. And I love it!

The House of Canada: I mentioned this the other week and I am still super excited about this. I've had a couple of meetings with the founder of the site and we get along great and have similar taste in terms of products. We discussed products to order for this Fall and I am super super excited. I think we will have an amazing and fun range of stuff that I can't wait to show off. And on Friday we are meeting again and I am totally buying a pair of these.

Cute, right? You can purchase them on the House of Canada website here. Look at me plugging stuff. Heh. So stay tuned for when the new stuff comes in! And for an awesome event in October! I am totally plutzing about the event in October!!! Details coming soon.

Tonight I am going Spinning and I should be home by 8:30 and hopefully if the Kid goes to bed at a normal hour, we will continue with the Gone Girl film we started watching last night. We are watching it in sections like a mini-series because we don't have long attention spans. And boy, is it good. Happy Tuesday.


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