Dis and Dat!

Hello Thursday! I actually love Thursdays. I think I have mentioned that at least a dozen times on this site, but I do. I really love Thursdays. There is a sense of excitement and expectation for the coming weekend that you can feel on Thursdays. And then Friday hits and you are all like "Woohoo! Partay!" and then you go to bed at 10 because you have a child who will wake you up the next morning at 7 yelling "MILK!" I need to teach him how to make his own damn milk and turn on the cartoons... and make me a coffee. Anyway, this post is a bit of a dis and dat because I am too tired to write 10 paragraphs about how I ordered a glass of expensive French wine last night and couldn't figure out if it was too complicated and fancy for me or just damn corked. #poorlittleprincessproblems. Tonight's post, however, is going to be dedicated to Office Twin. He was recognized as Office Twin this morning and the fame is going to his head.

Project of the Week: I was very happy with how the foyer chest thing went. Now I need to focus on the window sill in the hallway as well as the shoe situation. We have a wooden shoe rack that is functional but ugly, oh so ugly. I want to paint it haint blue with gold trim so this afternoon I will be heading out to get some paint and brushes. I also only have 45 euros left in the hallway budget so I have to be thrifty and creative. Hopefully on Monday I can finish up the window sill and the shoe rack so that I can have TWO Projects of the Week. Yes! Overachieving! My favourite.

Ladies of London: This show is coming back! It is a reality show that is based in London and it is over the top and decadent and ridiculous. It has been a while since the first season and now I cannot wait for the second one. Speaking of reality shows, still have not watched the second season of Southern Charm so that might be something the Husband and I will watch tonight. (Only reality show he will watch with me at this point. Baby steps. One day he shall witness the magnificence of Teresa Giudice's Prostitute Whore Table Flip. Epic.)

Spinning: On Saturday I will be trying this out for the first time. Office Twin asked if this was a class where you would just spin around in circles. I scoffed and called him stupid but did not admit that that is what I used to think as well. The Husband believed that this was a class where people just biked on stationary bikes, just biking. I also thought this as well. Now I know better thanks to YouTube and friends. A friend is taking me on Saturday to lose my Spinning virginity and I am a teeny tiny bit worried... like I might keel over and die. The good news is that in the almost 8 weeks since I went for a run, my strength did not completely disappear. I went for a run yesterday and I was pleasantly surprised that none of my internal organs were vomited out. Yay me! I had planned to go to Bikram this morning but with the combination of sore thighs and too many glasses of Rose consumed with a friend last night, I had to skip it. Damn.

Gone Girl: Gah! I hated the first chapter of this book! I wanted to stop reading it. The character Nick annoys me and then doesn't. And then I really like Amy and then I don't. And they both seem like such melancholy characters who have so freaking little to be unhappy about and yet, there they are. But there is something about the book that pulls you in and I guess that is why it is a bestseller and they, like, made a film out of it starring Ben Affleck. I haven't seen the film yet but now, while I read the book, I picture Ben which isn't a good thing because I feel like Ben Affleck has a face that looks like it is asking to be punched which is weird for me to write because I am not a violent person at all and I wonder why he invokes such anger in me. This is something I need to explore. Cough, yes. I cannot wait to pick this up again tonight.

So that is all for now. In the next day or two there will be a post dedicated to Office Twin. He has asked for his very own post so it will be the "big reveal" as well as some highlights. I tell you... fame and this guy. Stay tuned. Anyway, I am looking forward to a quiet night at home. We have almost gotten the Kid back on schedule in terms of sleeping which is awesome. We are bad parents, however, because we did not see the sign at the kindergarten that there would be a field trip today. Yup, asshole parents. I hope the Husband didn't put him in polyester; it is hawt out there! I wish you all an awesome Thursday and hope your Thursday will be as awesome as mine tonight: Kid, sofa, potato pizza, chilled white wine and a TV show about rich guys in Charleston. Woot! Have a great day!


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