August Wrap Up

THE LAST DAY OF AUGUST! OMG! SEPTEMBER IS TOMORROW!! Good bye self tanner, hello pashminas, good bye strapless dresses that make me look like a stuffed sausage, hello sleeves, good bye sweating all.the.time, hello heavier foundation in porcelain, good bye foot stigmata caused by cheap flip flops, hello wedged boots, good bye constant shaving of knees (I have like 3 hairs that grow on my legs. You can hate me and my freak body hair), hello tights and leggings, good bye highlights, hello darker more flattering hair colour, good bye coral nail polish, hello black nail polish, good bye stinky ubahn, hello walks in the forest. OH MY GOD! HELLO SEPTEMBER!

So yeah, I love the fall. September 1st is like my New Year's Day. I get a kick of energy and I go into full throttle. Suddenly, when the heat starts to ebb, my creative mojo starts to flow. I feel like a fountain of internal Red Bull has been tapped and the sky is the limit! You think I was productive this summer? You ain't seen nothing yet. Well, hopefully better grammar. I hope you see that from me. So how was August? Pretty awesome. We we were still in Rome when August happened. Aaaand I went to Barcelona! I had some great nights out: a bbq, 25hours hotel terrace, Rathausplatz, Da Capo, watched a film, stayed at a hotel for a night. I tried spinning for the first time and got hooked. I went to the Art History Museum, got a couple of runs in and did Bikram. I read a couple of amazing books. I had a couple of meetings about the House of Canada which makes me super excited (stay tuned for some AWESOME products). I also lost 5 kilos thanks to my new nutritionist. I got bangs, too. One thorn in my side is that I did not work more on my book which means it is truly go time this next month.

September promises to be a whole lot of crazy in every sense of the word. More therapy for the Kid, more getting rid of clutter, a couple of side projects as well as parties, the Night Run and gearing up for a launch in October. I consider myself lucky to be able to do as much as I do. I did not feel lucky last night, however. The Kid did something which I will not write about because the Internet is forever but let us just say this is stored up for when I meet his future wife or groom because DUDE, the hell?!? To add to the sheer desperation, the Kid was wired up on hidden chocolate this morning which led to a lot of blaming the other adult in this household. We had a meeting with our second therapist at 8 this morning and we were in fine form and if by fine form I mean that we were like the two killers from Scream at the end (RIP WES CRAVEN!)

We showed up at 8 and the Kid ran into the therapist's apartment without pause. She took his backpack from us and said "See you in half an hour". And we were like "Eh, que?" Because we have never had a session ever without the Kid. Ever. From daycare integration, therapy centers, hospital stays... we have always been by his side. We were too shocked to respond or ask if she had had all her shots and left. We sat on a bench outside and remarked how strange this was. After 25 minutes we were back at her door and the Kid seemed relieved to see us. We will be working on a therapy plan soon and then it is balls to the walls. Yes, I wrote that. So now it is time to get the Kid ready for bed and then get me ready for bed. I have been fighting a summer cold but the good news is that I am currently hooked on another Gillian Flynn novel "Sharp Objects" so that means I can put myself to bed soon too. Eu mah gawd. INSANE book! I wish you all a wonderful last night of August, one more day of heat, and then onto the Fall! Yaay! Pumpkin Spice Lattes for everybody!


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