August Goals

Well hi there August! You kind of crept up on me. July flew by and while it wasn't as wild and crazy as May and June, there were definitely some highlights: my parents were in town, I went to a bbq, tried a couple of new restaurants, said good bye to a friend, had a friend visit, did a photo shoot, my name was in the New York Post (AMAZING!!), a weekend in Kritzendorf and of course went to ROME!

In other news, I did not make it to the call back for a part time job I really really wanted. It was for Info Wien and it would require somebody to talk about Vienna in short videos. Three different lovely people sent me the link saying "YOU WOULD BE PERFECT FOR THIS!" and I truly thought I would be. But no, they did not even call me for the call back and of course I take this to mean I am too old and too fat to be on screen. And yes, allow me this self-pitying moment. I am upset because I know I would be perfect for it but I guess people truly judge a book by its cover. And I will allow myself to wallow for a day or two and then I will dust myself off and carry on. Ugh. This is not a feeling I like to have. If anything, this should propel me to do more and work harder because one day, things will happen. At least that's what gets me through the day. And look at that, another agent rejection e-mail. Throw me a bone, you guys!

So now I have to look to the future and stay on course. Here are my August goals:

Finish chapters 6-12 of my book: this is a lofty goal but I can do it.

Start "Project of the Week": A friend and I were discussing home makeovers (a favourite conversation) and I decided that this blog needs a little something something extra. Sure, I could talk about me all the time because I always end up in some awkward/exciting/embarrassing situation but maybe I could also spend some time making our home magazine worthy because isn't that the ultimate goal? Or is it?
Damn straight it is.
Go to a BBQ: This is happening on Saturday. I'm bringing the stuff for Vodka Cranberry because booze and stopping a UTI is magic.

Take a trip to BARCELONA!!!!: One of my dearest friends lives in Barcelona and for years she has been trying to convince me to come and visit. And I think now is the time. I will fly early morning on Saturday the 22nd and will be back midday Monday the 24th. It will be a great girl trip with beach, wine and shopping! The Kid is off the whole week as of the Monday so I have also taken Tuesday and Wednesday off. It will be the perfect way to end the summer.

Arrange for more therapy for the Kid: We've noticed some regression so I amnow more determined than ever to up his time with therapy. We need to get him speaking soon and right now that seems pretty impossible. This is heartbreaking but I need to stay positive. Holy crap, I am bummed out today.

Try a spinning class: This is probably happening Saturday morning. I am terrified.

I have some more goals but I have to go and sit and cry and eat Chinese dumplings. Gah, pity party, you are all invited.


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