Why You Should Always Charge Your Phone - Especially If You Are Married To Me

The daycare is closed for a couple of weeks and the Husband has been a superstar taking care of the Kid. The nanny comes around three and then the Husband is free to buy retro Gameboys... don't ask. Yesterday was a public holiday so the Nanny was off and it was the Kid and the Husband, mano a mano. After regular naptime time, for both of them, I texted the Husband with a "hey! How's it going? Y'all still alive? lololol..." and then I did not get a response for 90 minutes. And oh how I freaked out.

Let me first preface this. In the morning, yesterday, I read two different horoscopes. Both oddly declared Thursday, yesterday, to be a life-changing day. I spent most of the morning waiting for Sofia Coppola to call me wanting to turn this blog into a movie starring a chubby Leelee Sobieski. But then, when I did not get a return text from the Husband, I decided that my life-changing day was something terrible. Oh how I freaked out. I texted, I called (went straight to voice box), I cursed, I cried. I felt like Sam from Jersey Shore when Ronnie broke her glasses "Stahp... why? Stahp!" It wasn't pleasant.

Finally, after 90 minutes I get a call. "Sorry, my battery was dead." Oh Booooooy, you better run fast. I will hunt you down. I spent the next 20 minutes plotting my husband's death and then I headed home. He should thank the heavens above that I bumped into a co-worker and her adorable toddler... It took some of the edge off. As I approached our building, I swear birds stopped singing.

In the end, all is well. Don't worry, the Husband is still breathing and I was too tired to run. I'll get him back though. Revenge is best served cold with a side of "marriage is about keeping score".

Happy Friday!


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