Dinners This Week and Crap I Have to Do

It was a lazy perfect Sunday but alas it is over. I cannot believe it is the last week of August. Summer is ending but Fall is just around the corner which makes me want to yell "PASHMINAS FOR EVERYBODY!!!". Yesterday I realised I do not have any rain boots and that made me sad. I'm kind of obsessed with the Hunter boots but they are out of my price range. I told the Husband that I would be purchasing a pair of rain boots and the convo went like this:

Me: I'm going to buy rain boots.
Him: Why?
Me: For the rain.
Him: It will stop raining.
Me: It will rain again.
Him: Rain boots are ugly.

Mawwiage. Sigh. So after work I will head down to a shoe store and buy the ugliest damn pair of rain boots. Or cute ones. I probably should get cute ones. I also need to purchase a rain coat. And maybe a cable knit sweater. I have visions of walking through rainy fields with the Kid on our estate. I have a lot of visions that involve us having an estate. I should have been a Kennedy.

I have so much to do this week:

- Finish the dress I am sewing for a friend
- Finish crocheting two scarves (SCARVES FOR EVERYBODY!!!)
- Make a Fall wreath (Friend wrote me about where to get burlap for her wreath, I told her to get off Pinterest. If she writes me about where to get mason jars I'm staging an intervention) I am going to make a wreath that will involve fake Fall flowers and a glue gun.
- Attend a wedding
- Maybe make myself a dress as well

So I'm going to be a little busy. After a weekend of debauched eating, I will be eating pretty clean this week. Smoothies and fresh pressed juices during the day and healthy dinners in the evening. The plan is:

Monday: Scrambled eggs and a bagel
Tuesday: Tom Kha Gai soup and rice
Wednesday: Fresh mozz sandwiches
Thursday: Chicken curry
Friday: Tomato soup and a grilled cheese

Last week of August! Last week of strapless dresses! Hurray!!!


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