Saving the Monies

Last week I had an appointment at our bank with our banker. We decided to open a special locked-in savings account that we can't access for 6 years. With the ridiculously low interest rate, in 6 years, we should be able to afford an Ikea lamp. Awesome. I went alone to the meeting and after opening the new account, I asked the banker about mortgages and what we could expect to receive. He said he suggested to most of his clients a mortgage of around  "180,000". Oh how I laughed and I laughed. I asked if more was possible and he grudgingly said yes and now my friends, I have a point to prove. I have 3 years to save and save and for that to be possible, Imma have to tighten the panty strings. So this is how I'm going to do it. (And I know I have already posted about saving money months ago but I'm doing it again.)

- No more coffees at work. I love the lattes but 2.75 a day adds up. Instead, I have created a little instant coffee bar in my office and it is fabulous. I am fabulous. My office is highlighted with hot pink. I love it.

- No more shopping for clothes for at least 4 months. I have way too many clothes as it is and I have a sewing machine and I am creative so I can work with what I have. (Boots and new shoes are a necessity so that is not included in the strike)

- Making meals that use the same ingredients throughout the week i.e. buying a big bag o chicken that can be used in 2-3 meals. Buying a big bag of peppers, etc.

- Making gifts for friends (don't worry guys, you know I make awesome stuff)

- More sewing, less buying

- Using essential oils instead of scented candles (that will save me at least 5-10 euros a week)

- Doing my own hair (I have actually been doing this for a long time and it is not really due to frugality; it is because I am filled with extreme fear of a hairdresser's expression when I walk in... Most likely accompanied by something like "Giiiiirrrl, dafuq you do to your hair?!?!?" ((but in German and that is even scarier) I'll just continue to fry the bejeebus out of my hair at home, thank you very much)

- No more bottled water, tap water instead. Every morning I fill up 4 small water bottles and put them in the fridge. It helps encourage me to drink more water and I do love me some cold water. Save money and be healthy, total win

- Avoiding spas and doing my own facials and dying my own eyebrows. I might end up looking like Groucho Marx, but a Groucho Marx with some savings, booyah!

- Need to sell some things that we don't need anymore. Checking the closets this weekend!

And I am sure there is more I could cut back on. I'll have to think about it. Probably should get started on potty training too. That would save us some money. Sorry, Kid. The thing about saving, in my opinion, is not to suffer but to make small changes. It all adds up. I'm going to miss you cheapy stores but my impulse shopping is over for a while. I'll just pout for a few moments and then I will get over it.

(at the time of writing this post, I did not realize that the Husband had purchased me an adorable new purse. He obviously did not see the memo, fax, smoke signals, tattoo on his inner thigh, that we are now SAVING THE MONIES!!! But he is thoughtful and wonderful and the purse is awesome, so I forgive him)


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